Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Preparing for Valentines Day

Allan (new!) , Jose Daniel, Misael and Cindy
Today the kids made valentines for their families.  Chantal, the teacher from Canada, told me that it is good for their fine motor skills to make little balls out of tissue paper, so this was our first tissue paper project.  They loved it!

Half of them are sick right now, so I am washing my hands like crazy and we are talking a lot about covering your mouth when you cough.  They are getting much better at that.  I am blowing a lot of noses.  I hope I don't get sick again.  I still have remnants of the cold I caught on December 22nd in the states.

Since they don't call it Valentines Day here (it is called El Dia de la amor y la amistad - the day of love and friendship) I wonder if Valentines are still called Valentines.