Monday, March 17, 2014

Fires return

Forest fires are back.  The city is covered in smog when I drive down to the church each morning.  Yesterday the land down the road about a kilometer away was completely scorched.  There was another fire burning further down the mountain on the other side of the road.  It's not everywhere.  Yet.  But it's getting closer.

Right now all of my windows are closed, despite it being a beautiful evening.  There is a fire close by and the smoke is saturating the air.  It hurts to breathe.  I can't see the glow of the flames and I can't hear the sound of the fire crackling, thank God.  (I hate that sound.)  But the smell is powerful.

I'm glad I have already been through a fire season here.  I know it's going to get worse before it gets better.  I'm glad I was at the church last year when the fire burned right up to my house.  This year I know what to expect.  I know if the fire burns up to my house I'll be safe.  I know it can be scary.

My landlords work hard keeping the land clear.  They hire extra help and they work on a daily basis themselves.  They cut everything back and clean out everything that is dead.  Except trees because the trees here are protected.  Even the dead ones.  It is illegal to cut them down.  There are several dead trees near my house.  They died last year when the fire came.  The fire took their leaves and fruit, then smoldered in their roots for several days, which killed the trees slowly.  Luckily they are not close enough to be a danger to my house, I think.

I need to make sure not to leave any clothes drying on the line or windows open.  Last year I had to wash my whole wardrobe several times because all of my clothes smelled smoky when I left the windows open.  My sheets burned up when I left them on the clothes line.  Lesson learned.


What a crappity crap of a day.  It all started at 5:30 a.m.  That's when Jetty woke me up because she was hungry.  Turns out I was hungry too.  So hungry that I couldn't get back to sleep.  Finally after coming to grips with the fact that sleep was not going to return to me, I went downstairs and got some yogurt.  I finished the coffee mug of yogurt and set it on the nightstand, then started drifting off to sleep.  Until I heard licking sounds.  The cat was liking the mug clean.  Vomiting was guaranteed to ensue if I didn't get out of bed, go downstairs and wash the mug.  Instead I tried to cover it with a notebook which the cat quickly knocked off.  My next brilliant idea was to stick it under my pillow.

Even in the moment I knew under the pillow was not a good place.  Two reasons:  Yogurt was getting all over my pillowcase.  Also, I could easily forget the mug was there and it would fall on the floor and break.  Since you already know it was a crappy day, you already know that both of those things happened.  Rather than sleep I was soon cleaning yogurt and broken mug up from the floor.

At that point I gave up on sleep.  I decided to get to work on some tax stuff I have been putting off, but it wouldn't download (internet too slow).  I tried to send a thank you email for the third day in a row and it wouldn't send (internet too slow).  I checked on tickets to go to the US in June.  No matter how I try to do it (Salt Lake or Denver, May, June or July) the ticket is close to $900.  Looks like I won't go home this summer either.  Very disappointing.  Finally I gave up on internet related things and decided to do them at the church.

Determined to do something productive I called my mechanic and asked if I could pass by for my three month battery check.  The check is necessary in order to maintain the 7 year guarantee valid.  The mechanic told me he'd be waiting.  But when I got there he said he forgot he can not do the check himself.  He has to take it to the store where he bought it and they check it there.  Also, I needed to have paperwork that was not in the car where I put it.  So I was stressed out all day wondering where I put those papers.  Without that paperwork my 7 year guarantee was already invalid after 3 months.  UGH!

I got to the church and one boy and one lady were the only ones there.  We sat and waited.  Meanwhile the boy pestered me to pay him to wash my car, which I just washed 2 days ago and the lady got mad at me because I thought her son was using a pencil I had lost the week before.  I still think that, but I don't understand getting upset over a dumb pencil.  First she got mad at me for asking about the pencil and then she criticized me for being quiet.  She gave me a big speech about how I was very quiet and serious and that my mind was far away and just a bunch of stuff I didn't feel like hearing. 

I needed to get away so I decided to try to use the church computer, but someone had taken a cable off the back so it no longer has internet.  I spent about a half hour trying to figure that out why I couldn't at least get Wi-Fi.  Belinda offered to let me use her computer and right at that instant the power went out.  That was when the migraine kicked in.

The afternoon kids finally showed up.  One boy came with a huge, swollen, black and blue egg on his temple.  There were several stories about how it got there.  Looked to me like someone slugged him really hard with a right fist.  Poor little guy.  As I was checking out the banged up head, Junior told me he has a "ball" growing under his armpit.  His mother has been putting aloe and an iron (I certainly hope it is not literally an iron like he said) on it.  The skin looked fine, but there was a big swollen ball in his armpit.  Then a kid who was on his way home fell out of a mango tree onto his head and needed stitches.  He came back, bleeding all over so we patched him up and sent him home with a note explaining it had NOT happened at the church and he needed medical attention.

We finished up homework with the afternoon kids and I went straight home.  No gym with this headache.

I finally was able to log in to my donor account online only to learn that I lost a donor.  In reality, I have only lost 2 sponsors in the past 2 years.  I think that is really good.  One is a situation I completely understand and think is for the best.  But this was someone I thought would tell me they no longer chose to support me.  There are other factors that make it difficult to understand and hurtful, but this is not the place to share them.

So, I am going to take a shower, put fresh sheets on my bed and read.  Disappearing into a book is the best way to be done with this day.  I have more awesome days than most people, so I am grateful for that.  Everyone has a bad day now and then.  Tomorrow will be better.