Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Full Circle

Yesterday I accompanied a coworker to group therapy. She is a psychologist and one of the first people who invited me to work on some of her projects when I started with this organization almost two years ago. She is also the person who is developing the group for incest survivors.

As we were riding with transportation (a guard and a driver) she mentioned feeling overwhelmed with work. She said she is working on a new pilot project and she can't sleep at night because her brain is working overtime, trying to work out all of the details. She said she really needs help, but she knows everyone is already overworked.

I mentioned that our boss told me I will help with her with the incest survivors group, thinking that was an additional project. I assumed she already knew I would help with it. She was taken aback. At first she thought I must be confused. But as I told her the specifics of what our boss had said in the meeting before Semana Santa, we realized that I was talking about the same project that is keeping her awake at night! She was not aware that I am supposed to help and was extremely relieved.

Once we got to the community center, only two kids showed up for group therapy so we had plenty of time to talk and brainstorm. By the time we finished we were so excited! We have a ton of good ideas and were very pleased with the way our approaches mesh together.

On the way home my coworker asked how I ended up in Honduras. As I thought about the answer, I burst out laughing. We have known each other almost two years and are even friends outside of work, but apparently I've never told her this before. It was God's perfect timing.

I first came to Honduras with a team from the US to serve incest survivors! Since I've worked in this field since 1995, I decided I have a lot to offer the team. I was baptized during that trip.

Now, nine years later, I am helping to develop a pilot project to work on treatment, communication, self esteem, and independence for women who have suffered incest. This time I'm not visiting for a week. I already know many of the women. They are parents of the kids I  serve and graduates of our Strong Families program.

It feels like coming full circle. Just so perfect!

(The sad part is that now I don't want to go to the US. I fully believe that trip is also God's plan, but I am still fighting it. It's so hard to justify rationally.

I've been super worried about money since God first placed that trip on my heart. The flight was expensive. Plus here the food I eat is so cheap. Just day to day living expenses will be more in the US and I don't have that in my budget. I'm waking up at 3 a.m. every night feeling sick about finances.

And now, after talking to my coworker yesterday, I am desperate to stay here and see the program come to fruition. I'll be here for the development, but I'll miss the first half of the initial sessions. I don't want to bail on my coworker or the ladies at such a critical time.

God seems firm on this. I already argued with Him for two months and He kept having to show me in stronger and stronger ways. But I'm still going to pray, just in case He changes His mind.

Why am I having so much trouble being obedient about this?!!!)