Monday, March 10, 2014

Hambre vs Hombre

I think it is official that I am becoming accustomed to living in Honduras.  Friday night I came home in a rain storm.  When I washed my feet in the shower there were squirmy worms that washed off.  It was disgusting.  I was glad I had not jumped into bed without washing my feet! 

Then I went downstairs and killed another scorpion. This time killing the scorpion didn't even fase me.  Jetty was very interested in it so I was more concerned about her getting stung.  It was very crunchy under my foot and didn't die quickly.  (Aren't you glad I shared those details?)

Jetty has a new friend and I have my own personal watch dog again.  Almost a year ago my landlords got a dog.  He always laid outside my door.  One day he disappeared and was gone for eleven months.  We figured he was kidnapped.  That's what happens to good dogs around here.  When I got back from Guatemala he came back!  He just showed up one day.  The cool part is that he resumed his spot outside of my front door.  I had forgotten that he used to do that.  He and Jetty play under the crack of the door.  I like having a guard dog.

My tummy is still not right.  A couple of days ago I got hungry for the first time.  Since then I really only get hungry at night.  In Spanish if you are hungry, you can say that you are "with hunger".  The word for hunger is hambre.  The word for man is hombre.  The other day I told Eunice that I am not hungry all day, but every night I am "with men"!  I realized what I had said as soon as I said it and we both started cracking up laughing.  I think Eunice was more embarrassed than I was.  She said I should never say that again.

Today the coolest thing happened.  I was getting ready to go to the church, running late, when my phone rang.  I took the time to answer it and talk for a few minutes.  It was someone whom I don't know well.  She was calling with a quick question.  In the course of the conversation she asked how I am doing.  I told her I am doing well, but really struggling for financial support.  As soon as I said that I felt so strange!  It is something I have not talked to many people about.

At some point I have to send out a letter begging for money and I have been dreading it.  But for some reason as I talked on the phone I shared that with her.

After I got to the church I received an email which brought me to tears.  She said that she had been praying and God is leading her to support me on a monthly basis!  I love seeing God's hand so clearly.  It helps me know I am on the right path.  I know that God put those words in my mouth.  I was shocked when I spoke them to her.  They didn't come from me.  I am so grateful God did that.  It gives me courage to ask others for more monthly support in the future.