Saturday, March 1, 2014

I think I have Dysentery

Was really looking forward to going to La Tigra for the day to hike with the jovenes group.  Then at 6:30 a.m. I woke up feeling sick.  I was hoping to feel better by the time I was supposed to meet up with the group.  It was the same symptoms I had in Guatemala, only worse.  My stomach was killing me.

The morning went by in a haze.  In the middle of the afternoon I decided I was not going to die.

Once I realized I wasn't going to die I decided to upload some Guatemala photos to Facebook, as this was something I could do from my bed.  My cousin's wife thanked me for sharing the photos.  She also mentioned she had Dysentery when she got back from Guatemala.  Tonight I got to wondering what Dysentery is.  It sounds so exotic.   So I googled it.

I have every symptom.  Ugh.

I know it's typical to think you have something when you google it.  But Dysentery has some very specific symptoms which you do NOT want to know, and I have them.

Some people let it run its course, but since I have had it for over a week and since the type that is commonly found in tropical areas needs medication, I will have to go to the doctor.

I really thought it was my IBS acting up in strange, new ways.  Believe me, "Dysentery" sounds a lot more exotic than it really is.  Don't bother to google it.  Just believe me.  It's disgusting and not fun.