Friday, April 11, 2014

First day of vacation

Today was my first day of vacation.  In Honduras the whole world stops for Semana Santa.  Businesses and restaurants close.  Everyone goes to the beach.  Well, not me.  But most people.

I finally got a letter written that I was trying to write for MONTHS.  What a weight off my shoulders.  I was trying to think of some suave way to ask for money.  Today what I wrote was very direct and it felt right.  So I deleted all of the happy-go-lucky drafts and sent out the "please I'm desperate, send me money" version.  It feels so good to have that letter written and sent.  Now it's in God's hands and I can write a happy go lucky two year update.  I'll enjoy that.  Why did God choose me to be a missionary when I stink at asking for what I need?

Tomorrow morning is the first swimming class!  I am really looking forward to it.  Can't wait to see how these kids do.  In the last group the kids learned quickly and had so much fun.  I imagine it will be just as great this time.  I love the positive environment of the pool.  Everyone is so happy there.

Photos to follow!