Thursday, October 17, 2013

A work in progress

Today I got to talk to my violin teacher!  Turns out he is doing really well.  He did move to the senior living center.  He got to bring his cat, Honey, with him.  That makes him really happy.  She is a rescue cat and he said he felt he owed it to her to care for her as long as he could.  He said she adjusted to the senior living center more quickly than he did.

I am hoping I will make it back to the US to soon to see him.  But as Mr. Meyers said, we will see each other face to face again if it is God's will.

He said he has met some nice men there, and some nice women too.  And some people who need friendship, but they don't know it yet.  He said they are the people he is reaching out to most.  He said some people aren't receptive, but that is not for us to worry about.  What is important is that we reach out to them with God's love.  He said he is letting his light shine and he knows I am letting my light shine as I serve in Honduras.

I have been struggling to show God's love to someone lately.  The person says and does things that are disrespectful.  Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and felt frustrated about it.  After talking to Mr. Meyers I realized that I cannot control another person's behavior.  If someone chooses to behave in a way that does not honor themselves or God, then the LEAST of their problems is that the person is not honoring me.  I am still not sure how to approach the person, if I should approach them at all.  But I do have faith that God will show me how to move forward.  I know I should not spend any more sleepless nights thinking about it.

Mr Meyers said he has shared the note I left in his doorway in July with several friends.  He said they thought it was very special.  He said he will cherish it forever.  I wish I could remember better what I wrote.  I do have peace knowing that even if there is something I forgot to write, we have spoken it to each other.

I also read him the blog entry that I wrote last week about our friendship.  I didn't expect to cry but when I got to the part about his phone going straight to "The number you have reached has been disconnected", I sobbed and managed to squeak out, "Sorry."  He said, "No, let the tears flow."  Mr. Meyers has a way of making people comfortable in the most uncomfortable of situations.

Mr. Meyers is giving piano and violin lessons to people at the senor living center.  I hope they realize they have a master among them.  I'm sure they do.  I think it is great that he is still able to do what he loves.

I feel a lot better after having spoken with him.  His voice still sounds the same.  He is content to be where he is.  He said he knows her is where God wants him to be and he is always excited to see what more God has in store for him.

I told my Mom I was surprised that I cried when I talked to him.  We have both cried in front of each other before.  I just didn't expect it this time.  My Mom reminded me that I really hadn't known if I would ever talk to Mr. Meyers again, so it's not surprising I would cry.  Thank God our special friendship is still a work in progress!  I really want to see Mr. Meyers face to face again.  It will be interesting to see what plans God has for us.  I am grateful for every moment we have already had together, but I also miss my friend.