Sunday, June 29, 2014


Wow!  Speaking at church went even better than I ever hoped!!

Some people said they were crying as I talked about the kids.  People were handing out tissues in the audience.  In the end the 4 minutes and 30 seconds wasn't so difficult to stick to.  We only went over in the last service.

I was shocked at how many people asked for my link to support me as a missionary.  We will see what comes of that.  I feel very hopeful.  The opposite of the way I was feeling a week ago when I thought I might have to pack up my belongings and move to the US.  I knew that was not God's plan for me, but it is hard to imagine so many strangers being so supportive.  Well, I guess they are really not strangers.  They are my church family.  I have just never met them before.

Another really cool thing is that a lot of people are now interested in a mission trip to Honduras.  They want to come and meet the kids in person and see for themselves what is going on.  I love that God moved their hearts that way!

Mary Goldring was exhausted after a really tough week, but she did a great job interviewing me.  And the band even played my absolute favorite song, plus another one that I really love, so worshiping in all four services was nice.

I wish everyone could feel God's love the way I do today.  It is still hard to digest, but I am doing a better job receiving than I ever did before.

Mary Goldring interviewing me at K2


Worshiping in the red box

Worship in the white box

Feels great to come back home


Today I speak at church.  I am not nervous about speaking in front of all of the people as much as I am nervous about getting my point across in four minutes and 30 seconds.  But God will help me say what I am supposed to.

Four minutes and 30 seconds is so funny to me, coming from Honduras where if you have anything to say all you have to do is stand up and say it.  Sometimes people randomly talk for 10-20 minutes at my church in Honduras, sharing what God did in their life that week or something that is on their heart.

I have four minutes and 30 seconds.  I will be grateful for every second and even more grateful when I am done.