Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday, Monday...

I met Tony early today. We went up to Los Pinos before the breakfast program to look at homes and assess what needs to be done there. There is a church coming to visit in a few weeks and they asked Tony how he thinks their time here can be most wisely spent.

At first we had grand ideas of them helping to repair three homes. But in the end we decided that it would be best to focus on only one home. That way they can really get to know the family and see how the family lives. We are hoping that they will agree to not only to do physical labor on the home, but also sit down and spend quality time with the family. Overall, we are envisioning them talking and playing games as much as they work. Maybe if they see that the boys get breakfast here at the breakfast program and then 5 tortillas and 1 egg at home every day for their total intake of daily food they will want to sponsor this family after they leave! Only $5/week here can make a huge difference for these people. I am starting to see how sometimes we get so caught up in doing things for people that we don't actually take the time to get to know the people - who they are and what they REALLY need. There is a church down here (not ours) that got painted 5 times in 8 months because different groups kept coming and saying "let us paint your church" rather than asking what is really needed. The people from the church didn't want to insult anyone, so they kept getting fresh paint. But think about what that money and that amount of time from those people could have done for the people here.

Okay - so there's my little rant. I think it can apply locally too, where ever you are.

The kids have a week off from school so the breakfast program should be busy this week!

I took some good photos of one of the better parts of Los Pinos today.

Oh, and for the ladies of K2 - I just realized that I have been here for a week now and have not eatten one single peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

1 comment:

Linda said...

So true what you said about giving folks what you may think they need. Do we give because we know there is a need or do we give to make us feel better? How sad to have their church painted so many times when there are other needs not met.