Sunday, June 14, 2009

Valery and Dana Sophia are Home!

Today was a day that Jose and Karla have been looking forward to since I arrived. Their daughters left right before I got here to spend time in the country with Karla's parents. Karla's sister, Karina, who also lives in this house (and will now be my roommate) was with the girls. It was perfect for me to get to know Karla and Jose without the girls around. But as all of you parents know, 2 weeks without your one and six year old is a long time. Jose dropped Karla and me off at church, then went to the bus station to pick up Karina and the girls.

In the meantime we learned that someone stole the battery from Walter's truck up in La Tigra last night after he got home from the concert. So Jose dropped off the girls at church. He and Tony bought a battery and went up to La Tigra. Once again, Karla and I were stuck at church (last time was a week ago when Tony got a flat tire after the futbol game.) This time we were starving so a lady offered to drop us off at Pizza Hut so we could feed the girls. Tony and Jose met us there. They said someone clipped the wires off the battery and probably stole every car battery around, which is strange because La Tigra is such a remote area.

I was so exhausted after only sleeping for three hours last night. My heart was still pounding at 6 am from that stupid coffee yesterday afternoon. We went to look at houses on land up above the church. They are building Honduras' version of condos up there. I didn't have my camera, but imagine bright colored cement stucco townhouses side by side. Personally, I was discouraged by that sort of development, but the houses were nice inside and very cheap because of the location. They had balconies and the views of the mountains were really amazing. I wonder what that area will look like in 10 or 20 years.

After house hunting I took a two hour nap. I felt bad because I was invited to join Lourdes for a gathering at her house, but as I said to Tony, I had no energy to socialize with strangers. (Lourdes was having a party to say good bye to the members of her Spanish class and I don't know any of them.) I would have really enjoyed going if I had any energy at all.

Now I am adjusting to life with a house full of people. The girls seem comfortable with me so far. And Karina is very easy going, so she will be a good roommate. Karina will learn tomorrow when she shows up for class if her college teachers are still on strike or not.

And my last good news is that one of the ladies whom Tony and visited came to church today. She brought her daughter, who is 16, and both boys who are in the breakfast program. Tony had me introduce them to the church and welcome them. Afterward the Mom said she really enjoyed it and she will be back next week!

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