Sunday, February 12, 2012

(Almost) A Year Later

A lot has happened in the past year.  But in some ways not much has changed.  My baby nephew, Joey, was born 10 weeks early.  He is now a healthy, beautiful one year old.  My mother moved from Illinois to Littleton, CO to be closer to her grandsons.

I am still in Utah.

I began fundraising last April to move to Honduras.  What started out feeling like a productive, easy process, came to a halt in May.  There were a few rough and confusing months over the summer.  However, during that time I never lost the feeling that I was called to serve in Honduras.

Two weeks ago Jairo said it would not be a good idea for me to go.  I watched a CNN Special Report entitled, "Honduras: The most dangerous region on earth" that night.  Everyone seemed to agree that things have changed in Honduras and it is much more dangerous.  Yet, I still felt the call to serve the people there.  So I sent out an email asking for prayer.   Maybe I was meant to serve from the US?  Maybe it would be a matter of waiting until the country gained control over immense drug trafficking problems?  I didn't know what the answer would be.

However, my prayers were answered quickly with and email from Lourdes which stated that she would like me to come "now, in this moment".  She asked for a phone number so she could call me,  Jairo called the next day - twice.  The day after Lourdes called and we talked for almost an hour about all of the ways I can serve the church there.  The biggest shock to me was that the dynamic had changed from me asking, "Please, will you allow me to come?"  to them asking me, "Please will you come?  We need you urgently."

Fundraising has picked up again and I am really relieved to say that finally I have my mother's blessing.  For years she has been anxious about the idea of me moving to Honduras, but the recently the Lord has given her peace.

Now I'm praying about how and when to move forward.  Much of it depends on finances.  But Lourdes has made it very clear that while she would like me to be there as soon as possible, she also wants to be sure that this is all done in the Lord's perfect time.  Many people are praying for me.  We are asking God if I should go for a temporary visit, then find a place to live so I could return and move in with my 2 cats.  (Yes, I will be the crazy gringa cat lady.)  Or should I pack up and leave permanently all at once.  So far I have not gotten a notion of God speaking to me about this.  But I have faith that He is moving in my life right now.  Many things have happened that are more than coincidence.  So I know that He will show me the path He wants me to take.

In the meantime I am grateful for the many ways He as shown me his presence so that I know I am not alone on this journey, but I am indeed following the calling that my God has for me.

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