Sunday, March 11, 2012


Packing sucks.  My neighbors downstairs moved out yesterday.  Never thought about they way the house feels safer with them here until they were gone.  They asked if they could take a picture with me before they left, which I thought was really sweet.  Funny thing about the timing, all of us moving on at once.  My poor landlord.  I still haven't worked up the courage or made the time to go see her.  I know I'll regret it if I don't.

Had my first commissioning at church this morning.  Was up all night with a HORRIBLE headache.  Between that and the time change I barely got any sleep, but I guess it went well.

I've been feeling really alone lately.  One good friend is out of the country, so she is excused, but others aren't returning my calls.  Makes me sad.  Someone said that friends are pulling away because I'm leaving.  Sorry.  That's not an excuse in my book.  Either we are there for each other or we're not.  Right now I feel most people are not.  I'm afraid to ask for favors (like help moving) because I already feel rejected.  My boss/friend, Matt, has offered to help.  Hope it's more than him and me.  I may only have one useful arm by that day.

Tomorrow I'm going to get an MRI to see if I need shoulder surgery before I go.  Praying that I don't.  Did the eye Dr. thing Friday.  Did you know you can get contacts that work as bifocals?  I didn't.  But now I do because I have them.  And my opthamologist told me if anyone in Honduras needs eye care I should contact him.  He said if he can't come, he belongs to a group who will send someone.  I plan to take him up on that offer if the need is there!

As I go through all of the stuff in this house I realize how much crap I have that I don't need.  Kind of disgusting, the excess.  Who needs 29 coffee cups?  I don't even drink coffee.  So far I have 4 garbage bags of clothes to give away and more that I threw away.  Crazy.  Missing the days when everything I owned fit in the back of my pick up truck.  Most of the cupboards are bare now, but there is still a LOT to do.  I am praying that the dye for the MRI tomorrow doesn't leave me as incapacitated as others say it will.

Been chatting with friends in Honduras.  So nice to talk to them again.  I love hearing Lourdes' voice on the phone.  And Karla has left messages.  She still talks so fast I have to listen to them three times to fully understand what she says.

My nephew, Jack, went skiing at a resort for the first time today.  My brother called to tell me about it.  Apparently Jack has already developed a love for skiing.  Bob said he yelled "Wheeee!" all the way down.  Pretty awesome for a 3 year old.  Wish I could have been there.  But even now, living here in the states, I miss out on so much with my nephews.  I don't think it will be any worse when I am in Honduras.

Today, while I was at church for the commissioning, someone asked if I was sad.  It really caught me off guard.  First I wondered if I looked sad for some reason.  Then I just stood, perplexed, and said, "No, I'm really excited."  She said, "Oh, I thought since it's your last week at K2 you might be sad."  I told her honestly, I hadn't even thought that far ahead.  And next week is actually my last week at K2.  I think I will probably feel sad then.  But mostly excited.  I have spent years now thinking of my church in Honduras and the people there.  Sunday is the one day that I can picture them and what they are doing.  I miss my Honduran friends most on Sundays.  I wonder if I one day will miss my K2 friends most on Sundays.  I think so.

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