Friday, March 23, 2012

Phase Two

I have now begun "Phase Two" of my move to Honduras.  So far it's great.  I slept last night better than I've slept in weeks.

This is a good time to acknowledge and thank everyone who helped me get out of my little house in Salt Lake.  (Oh, how I loved that house.)  Thank you, in reverse order from your time of assistance to:
Jody O., Jody O, Jody O., Robin, Heather, Steve & Jody O., Frank Strickland, Kasey Kocherscheidt, Jenna Murphy, Laura Strickland (phone support), Sandrine (phone support and hugs), Frank and Abby.  It felt a little hectic, but we got it done!  Everyone was a lot of help, but Frank was a life saver.

Yesterday I pulled out of Salt Lake with both kitties, all of my gear for Telluride Bluegrass Festival in June, and (I hope) everything I need for Honduras.  The cats and I made the 11 hour trek from SLC to Scottsdale without incident.  The cats were perfect, which eases my mind for the 10 hour flight if/when they move to Honduras.  The drive was GORGEOUS.  I had never explored Utah below I-70.  It was beautiful, as were the canyons and lakes in Northern Arizona.  I stopped and took a few pictures but they didn't do it justice so I won't post them.  It did hit me about 20 minutes outside of Salt Lake that I am now a homeless woman with two cats.  But friends assure me that is only a fact according to the postal service.  Still, for the first time I had the thought, "What in the world am I doing?  I have no job, no home, and two cats to take care of!  This is crazy!!!"  And then I remembered that God calls us to do crazy things and it all became relative.  (I recognize that many people are in far worse situations, but most of them didn't purposely choose those situations.)

Last night we arrived at Hoke's house at 10 pm.  He will keep the cats for the next 3 months.  It has now been almost 24 hours and Bella remains in hiding under the entertainment center.  I wouldn't be surprised if she stays there the whole 3 months.  Jetty is the opposite.  She loves Hoke's dog, growls at his roommate's cat and has already taken over the house.  In fact as soon as we pulled in the driveway last night Jetty began to purr.  Too bad she couldn't share some of her joy and fearless sense of adventure with Bella.

I had an amazing night's sleep and woke up refreshed and excited.  My flight to Honduras is just close enough that it doesn't feel too far away, but far enough that I still have plenty of time to wrap up loose ends.  Today I lounged by the pool, sunbathing and finalizing flight details.  I had some quality prayer time, then ran errands.  My body is craving exercise.  I haven't worked out in two days.  Did some research and I think I can get into pilates classes here on Saturday and Monday.  That would be great.

Matt said the boys at work - wait, I don't work there anymore - the boys at my previous job have been asking about me.  That feels nice.  And it makes me feel a little guilty that I don't miss them.  Working with sex offenders for almost 5 years is difficult.  BUT the point is, now I am here.  In Scottsdale.  Waiting to fly to Honduras.  And it feels GRRRREAT!

People have asked about how they can donate.  I am still only about half funded and can really use your support.  One time donations are very helpful and completely appreciated, but if I am not fully funded with monthly donations I will not be able to stay in Honduras past this initial three months.  Here's the link:
Just click on my name (Fager, Mary Lynn) and select the monthly or one time gift option.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Jody said...

I don't think I have officially said it yet, but I am sooo proud of you for what you are doing and feel very blessed to be a part of sending you off on the journey God is leading you on!
I will continue to pray for you and will be here for you to offer whatever support I can!
Much love and many hugs!