Monday, April 9, 2012

My House!

I finally moved into my new house.  The internet is sketchy here, so I am not able to blog as often as before, but I will have internet soon.  In the meantime, here are some pictures:

Pathway to my front door
Front door

Living/Dining Area - lots of sunlight

Looking into the kitchen

New stove/oven

Huge closets with beautiful woodwork

My favorite place to relax

The view outside my bedroom window

Mangos (which fall on my tin roof and wake me up at night)

Oranges.  But they're not orange yet.

Pila - for washing clothes.  Note the built in washboard on the left.

Plus lemons and avocados, but they are still too tiny to see in a photograph.  Pretty cool yard, huh?


J Kiburz said...

Very cool house, Honduras is lovely, so great you are there working!

Jody said...

What a great place! I love all the light and even more, the fact that you have it all to yourself! :)