Monday, April 2, 2012

My Luggage is found!

Today was a good day, which turned into a great day.  We had a lazy morning, then went to KFC for lunch before spending the day shopping for all of the things I will need, since it seems my suitcase is lost for good.

The boys were off swimming, so it was a girls' day with Belinda and Josselyn.  We stopped at little shops and bought hair things and make-up.  Then we got down to business buying underwear and pj's for me.  We looked for an Easter dress, and found a beautiful one, but it didn't quite work for me.  We had fun choosing clothes in each other's style.  Josselyn was a good sport, waiting while we had to get so many things just for me.  At one point we were buying flip flops.  We were looking for either brown or black in a selection of bright colors.  Joss pulled on a few to look behind where they were hanging in a wall display.  Suddenly they all began falling down.  Once there were already a bunch on the floor, we gave up trying to be gentle and tossed the extras out of the way in search of brown or black for me.  The sound of shoes being thrown on the floor and giggling girls brought a store clerk who stood over us sternly as I picked them all back up.  It was fun.

I also learned that in Honduras I am huge.  I don't really understand it because there are definitely people bigger than I, but in shirts many size large did not fit me!

We shopped for hours, until our feet hurt and we were ready to go home.  As we were descending the elevator to leave, all of the bags in hand, I told Josselyn now my luggage will come.  Now that I have mentally accepted that I have to buy new clothes and have spent the money, they will find my luggage.

15 minutes later, on the cab ride home, Walter called to say my luggage is at the airport and we will go pick it up tomorrow.

I cried.  I thanked God.  I kept asking if they were really sure the luggage was there - for sure.  They said yes, it is at the airport and we can get it after 10 am.  I am so happy and finally feel like I can settle in and enjoy my time here.  There is a funny contradiction inside my head.  Part of me is so thrilled to have my "stuff".  But another part of me realizes how unnecessary it all really is.  I lived for 7 days with the help of others and the clothes on my back.  Still, it will be soooo nice to have my own things!  The only thing that could be better now is if my kitty, Bella, were found.  I miss her and am worried about her.  She has been missing for 7 days.

When we got home I was able to call my family and tell them that my luggage was found!  And even better, I was able to have a whole hour to talk because the new phone card came with a special deal for only today where I could call the US for an hour with bonus minutes!  Lots of blessings are coming my way today.  My family had been on the phone in the US all morning getting things done for me - calling the airlines to find my luggage and trying to get meds/contacts/glasses to me in case my luggage wasn't found.  They were so happy to hear that I will now have everything I packed.  I can't say I will now have everything I need, because I really had everything I needed.  But there were some things I really wanted out of that pack.

We watched a Honduras vs. Mexico in fútbol, played games and relaxed for the rest of the night.  Andres is very good at sudoku!  He picked it up more quickly than some adults and was so happy each time he won :)  It was a good night and a day that gave me appreciation for my family, for my "stuff" and for the new family I have here in Honduras.

Jairo and Lourdes each called me to ask how I was feeling.  Lourdes was full of praise to God.  Jairo was as well, but also complimented me on keeping such a good attitude about my luggage.  Jairo had a productive day of fishing.  He said he caught some Tilapia.  They are coming home Wednesday.  It will feel strange to be in an apartment by myself after spending so much time in close quarters with family for the past week.  Sunday morning all I wanted was to be alone, but now I think I will miss having people around.  Especially little Andres.  I will make sure to get some pics of him soon.  He is good medicine for anyone who is sad or lonely.  He (and locating my luggage) helped make today a great day!

Thank you to everyone who prayed that my luggage be found.  Your prayer is appreciated more than you know.

Today my daily devotional was very fitting:

"I have promised to meet all your needs according to My glorious riches.  Your deepest, most constant need is for My Peace.  I have planted Peace in the garden of your heart, where I live; but there are weeds growing there too: pride, worry, selfishness, unbelief.  I am the Gardener, and I am working to rid you heard of those weeds.  I do My work in various ways.  When you sit quietly with Me, I shine the light of My Prescence directly into your heart.  In this heavenly Light, Peace grows abundantly and weeds shrivel up.  I also send trials into your life.  When you trust Me in the midst of trouble, Peave flourishes and weeds die away.  Thank Me for troublesome situations; the Peace they can produce far outweighs the trials you endure." - Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

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