Saturday, May 5, 2012

Confident Expectation

The letter is written.  If only it were as easy as writing this blog.  I love writing this blog.  Usually.  Probably because it's all mine and I can choose to use proper grammar and punctuation.  Or not.  :)

I stayed on my bed ALL DAY writing that darn letter.  I did eat some cereal and yogurt first.  Then after the first draft I was starving so I made some fried platanos.  Checked on FB to see who was available to read my draft and sent it to a few people to get their feedback.  Of course my mom said it was already good.  Her only feedback was to make sure it was all the same type size in my final copy.  Since it was already all the same type size, I didn't have many corrections to make.  Aunt Jan helped me put some more feeling into it, which I appreciated.  Now I'm waiting on one more friend, then I'll send it out.

My devotional today says, "Come to Me for all that you need... Relax in the knowledge that the One who controls your life is totally trustworthy.  Come to Me with confident expectation.  There is nothing you need that I cannot provide."  Should have read that first thing this morning.  I was getting so caught up in the words and really, either people are going to feel led to give, or they're not.

Today is Cinco de Mayo for my friends in the US who like to celebrate Mexican holidays.  It is not celebrated here.

The Catholic church started singing at 5 today so I've had a nice backdrop of music for a few hours.  Clouds are hiding what is supposed to be a very spectacular moon.  Maybe they will part before I go to sleep.  Or maybe it will rain.  Today has been beastly, as my mom would say, which means hot.

Time now for some pilates.  I had planned to get a run in today, but it was simply too hot.  All of my muscles have disappeared.  Must stop complaining and do something.  So I will say good night, pull out my bathmat and do pilates.

No new cockroaches today, but I did hear that gecko running around above my ceiling tile and making little squirrel/gecko noises.

Trying to feel the confident expectation that my letter will be well received when I send it tonight.  Not really there yet.

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