Monday, May 21, 2012

Pouring Torrents

Lourdes called early to say we are riding with Walter today because Jairo went fishing for a few days.  I love it when Jairo gets to go fishing.  He goes with his buddy to a very remote place.  They leave very early in the morning and fish until night, sitting all day in the hot, hot sun.  I think I would love to go, but I am kind of a wimp when it comes to hot sun with no break, so maybe not.

Today was "espaghettis" day at the breakfast program.  We only had 21 kids in the morning group.  Not sure why.  Last week we were in the 50s some days.

Lourdes was feeling better today.  We all were a little sleepy, but we decided that was due to the weather.  It started raining as we left the church today.  When I got home the lightening was so close some times I felt like I should duck and cover!  Car alarms were going off from the vibration of the thunder.  I kept mopping and mopping and am still mopping now, 5 hours later.  There is a big hole in my bedroom roof, but it doesn't drip onto anything except the floor, so that is good.  Same with the hole in the kitchen roof.

I got bitten by something in my sleep last night, so was eager to wash my sheets.  So eager that I washed them in the sink and they are hanging in the kitchen contributing to the wet floor there.  I hope they dry eventually.

I used to love the sound of rain and found it comforting, but today it has been raining so hard and so long I am getting tired of it.  Need to get used to it.  Such is life in the rainy season.  The next glimpse I get of the sun I am going to run outside and bask in it.  My body is craving some sunshine.


Jody said...

May I suggest a few buckets??? :)

Mary Lynn said...

I thought of that, but even garbage cans can't cover the square footage of leaky ceiling I have!