Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Tonight as I was writing my blog for the day, I was also watching the news.  They had a breaking story that a body had been found on the side of a road in a zone where there was construction, but not very inhabited.  I was going to comment in my blog that I still have a hard time adjusting to the way news is covered outside of the US.  When I was in Thailand, I saw things on the news that are never shown in the US - dead bodies namely.  It is the same in Central America.

Tonight they showed a man with a red towel over his face.  He was also dressed in red socks.  He wore a special camoflage uniform that is specific to highly trained, tactical units of the police called "Cobras".  His body was lying on the pavement, at the side of a road.  You could clearly see where a bullet had entered the side of his head.  Blood was running down the street.

After seeing all of the dead bodies in the newspaper today, I really didn't think much about who it was.  I only thought about the way nothing was cushioned, or presented in a more gentle way.  It was so brutal and all of it was right there, whether you wanted to see it or not.  (I'm thinking people outside of the US are accustomed to seeing the news presented this way, so it was probably not as impactful to them.)

Now an hour and 1/2 later, I am watching the news again.  They just announced the body was that of Alfredo Villatoro, the famous radio journalist.  I know there are many, many people in this country who are sad right now.  It's like the bad guys won.  The press is emphasizing what an amazing man he was.  "Un buen Hondureño"  I texted Jairo to be sure he knows.  It will effect the church because he was the co-host of a radio show with a man from the church.  They hosted the most famous radio show in Honduras together for the past 20 years.

I am going to take time now to pray for his family others who cared about him.  The kids at the Breakfast Program are going to be sad tomorrow.  They know him as a radio personality their mothers' listen to.  They also have been praying for his safety every day since he was kidnapped.  There is too much sadness and pain already in this country.

Another senseless death.  WHY?

1 comment:

HeLives said...

My heart is so sad for these special people. Jesus, PLEASE protect them all.