Monday, September 24, 2012

Visited the mountain house

I finally got to see the house up in the mountains today and I have to say, I was disappointed.  I was not disappointed in the house.  It was so cute!  It has a balcony and a spiral staircase.  I was disappointed that for some reason, I can not feel or imagine myself living in the house.  So strange.  I want to live in the mountains.  The house is really nice.  Why can't I feel myself living there?  Hmmm.  We'll see...

Maybe I'll end up there and surprise myself.  If so, I won't be sad or disappointed.  I'll be thrilled to live in the mountains!  I can only say it didn't feel like home to me.  The house where I live now felt like home the second I entered.  Maybe it's because this place was more furnished.  I don't think so.  Maybe it's because I am VERY worried about being able to afford living in that house, so I might be scared to get attached to it.  That could be it.  Who knows.

I just got notice that a package is here for me.  I am really hoping that it is a fountain my Mom sent for my cat.  She is finicky.  She only likes aerated water.  She is having some health problems because she is not drinking as much water as she should.  I have to keep a blanket that is quick and easy to wash covering my bed because she has been vomiting on the bed at 5 a.m.  It took 32 days for the package to get here, if it is the fountain.

Today we instituted a day of fasting and prayer for Pat Pike.  He was not doing well all weekend.  He doesn't seem to be doing well today.  He is barely responsive and back on a ventilator.

The preschool class went very well today!  We had eleven kids, which can sometimes be harder to manage.  The three new kids from last week all came back!  For the second time, Violet didn't cry!  And today Cindy didn't hide.  There was no hitting.  The only thing I had to prompt about was not to do summersaults in the classroom.  They had a good lunch of beans, eggs and tortillas.  We read a story about God creating the world.  They really loved it and were so engaged that we ended up discussing the story until they were late to eat.  Usually they listen for the older kids to wash their hands outside the classroom and then they all want to eat.  Not today!  We didn't even have time for our "classroom time" today.  I told them we will do the classroom stuff on Wednesday and they were excited.

The president gave an ultimatum to school teachers.  Anyone who doesn't show up to work will not be paid.  Our kids did not have classes.  I was surprised.  Do the teachers want their job?

Kebelin had English homework today and she needed help.  I was so happy that she felt comfortable asking for help!  She is one of the cleanest kids in the program and she has lice.  If she has lice, probably all of the kids do.  That does not keep me from keeping up on my daily hugs with Lorenzo.  We had some good hugs today.  However, it does make me inwardly grimace when one of the kids puts their hoody over my head.  I'm thinking before I leave, I will end up with lice at some point.  I've never lived in a place where people sit around and pick the lice out of the kids' hair.  Don Juan does it and the mothers do it to their own children as well as others' kids.  I hate to admit I am still not quite comfortable with picking lice out of childrens' hair.  I'll let you know if that changes.

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