Sunday, October 7, 2012

30th Anniversary Celebration

Woke up still not feeling great, but so glad I went to church!  Everyone was dressed up.  Lourdes, Marlin, Veronica and I made rice as soon as we got there so we missed the first part of the celebration.  The kids got up and sang.  Orange shirts and dresses were everywhere because that is the church's color.  Everything was decorated really beautifully, thanks to the hard work of Karla and Reyna.  Ethel (head of the elders) presented Jairo and Walter with plaques and a really pretty glass statue to honor all they do for the church.  We had birthday cake, lots of singing, a chicken dinner and a wonderful time.

A new pulpit was donated to the church!

The cake was as tasty as it was beautiful.

Lourdes and Jairo looked amazing!  And check out the decorations - 

Everyone who attends regularly was asked to sign in on a special list so the church has a more accurate record of the number of members.  I signed, so I am now officially a member of this church in Honduras as well as K2 in the states.  I think that's okay, right?

After church we ate, talked and took pictures.  Jairo told me I have to take aspirin every 8 hours in case I am sick from some sort of dangerous bug bite that he was telling me about.  I had a good conversation with the daughter of the church's psychologist.  She is going to school for dentistry and wants to practice her English with me.  She actually speaks really well, but I can imagine that learning all of the dental terms is tough.  She said dental care is FREE here!  Cleaning, cavities - whatever!  I will have to go back to the place where I vomited on Friday.  That is where she works.  But since the hospital was NOT what caused me to vomit, I will be fine.  I think Lourdes is going to go too.  If I ever need major dental work, I may have it done in the states, but I certainly can't pass up a free cleaning.

I was asked to help work on a newsletter for English speaking churches in the US.  That will be fun!  The newsletter will help to keep the churches who support us informed about what/how we are doing.  I am excited about that new project.  It is something I think I'll enjoy.

It is getting dark earlier and earlier.  I heard a parade passing by out on the main street at 5:30 tonight, but it was already too dark for me to go out and see what was going on.  :(  Too bad Hondurans do not believe in daylight savings time.  A friend told me they tried to implement it once, but nobody followed it so they gave up.

Tomorrow is a holiday with no school and no Breakfast Program.  I am grateful for one more day of rest.  My body can use it.

Yesterday Santos patched the holes in my roof while Fany and I played with Laura in the yard.  It hurt to move my eyes side to side from the migraine, but as usual, Santos had a migraine too.  We seem to always get migraines at the same time.   Since he was hard at work I figured the least I could do is play with beautiful Laura.


At one point we heard a crash and Santos was suddenly 2 feet shorter.  He had fallen through the roof!  After making sure he was okay, I ran into the kitchen to see if his feet were dangling.  They weren't.  But then he had more patching to do.  It happened once more before he finished.  Poor guy.  I really like having Fany and Santos as neighbors.

Got word today that Pat Pike is up and doing laps around the hospital!  It is exhausting for him, but he is a fighter!  He'll be visiting Honduras again before we know it.

The homesickness has passed.  That wasn't bad - one day in six months.  Now I am declaring that my hair will no longer fall out.  So far it hasn't helped, but I am still praying about it and declaring that it will stop.  I am so stressed about my stupid hair that it is giving me nightmares and I wonder if my hair (and finances) might be the reason I got the migraine.  Embarrassing to admit, but within the realm of possibilities for sure.

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