Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday, Part 2

As we drove to the church, Jairo told me to get my camera out.  Then two motorcycles like this passed us.  I didn't catch them as they passed, so Jairo passed them again to give me another chance at a photo.  You can't see it as well as I wished, but the guy in back is holding a machine gun.  These are regular police.  Normally they don't patrol on motorcycle.  This is the first time I've seen this.

Yesterday in the newspaper was a photo of my friend's uncle, dead in a ditch.  He was the one who was working on cable wires and was shot to death.  The whole page was full of photos of city workers who are being killed.  I felt horrible thinking that maybe my friend might have seen her uncle's photo in the newspaper like that.  Newspapers and television are much more graphic in here than in the US.

When we got to the church, Walter had already prayed with the kids and was washing their hands.  I figured the best way I could help was to wash the dishes that were piled up in the sink so I got to work.  Then Lourdes and Walter went to buy a new bed for Clara.  The mattress that Clara has been sleeping on is lumpy and bumpy with no support.  Lourdes has been wanting to find a new mattress for Clara for months and months.  We have been praying about it with the kids from the Breakfast Program as well as the discipleship group.  With help from people at the church, she was able to buy a new bed today!

When they came back we tied the bed onto the top of Jairo's van, everyone who could fit piled inside - even Don Juan, and we headed into Los Pinos.  Don Juan was excited to help us deliver the bed.  We also had sheets for the bed because someone donated sheets to the church this week.  What perfect timing!  We pulled the old mattress into a different bedroom, took the new box spring and mattress inside, and set it up.  Clara was so happy she fell face down onto her new mattress.  She and her husband were thrilled.  Everyone was smiling and feeling great.  We prayed together, led by Lourdes.  Clara shed tears of joy.  I took lots of photos.  It is so cool to think of Clara sleeping on her new bed tonight!

When we got back to the church Lourdes announced that she was going to give me a Spanish class.  She had three books with her.  We sat down and had a very professional class.  Most of it was review.  However, it feels good to start with some basics.  She said I don't have to do the section about pronunciation because my pronunciation is good.  Otherwise we are starting at the beginning.  She was very serious that I need to do the homework she assigned.  I am excited to do the homework.  I have learned a lot of Spanish over the past year.  I can understand most things.  I can get my point across when I speak, but there is still a lot that I don't know how to say in the most effective/efficient way.  I am really excited to learn more Spanish.

Afterward we spent a few hours answering emails to Lourdes' English speaking friends.  She speaks excellent English and writes well, but she really dislikes writing emails in English.  So I help her out with emails in English.  Today, Lourdes learned that a friend of hers is considering marriage.  Lourdes has been praying for a husband for her friend.  She was so excited to hear that her prayers appear to have been answered.  Lourdes prays for a husband for me too.  I think I still have some things to work on before I am ready to be married.  But she is helping me with those things, as well as my Spanish.

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