Monday, April 8, 2013

Gosh these kids are adorable!

Today started the first week with Lourdes only working 3 days at the Breakfast Program.  Everything was calm and relaxed.  We had a nice day.  Lourdes' sister, Belinda, gave the lesson today.  She is good at teaching a large group and keeping them all focused.

These photos are from last week.  The Front Range Christian School Team brought a bag of crafts for us, but they weren't here to see the finished product.  All of the kids - boys, girls, little, big, loved making the crosses.  They wore them proudly.

Today I went to test drive the car that I have been looking at longingly for a week.  It was gone!  I figured it was sold.  I was okay with that.  It just meant it was not the car for me.  It was a great car at a really good price.  But Walter talked to the salesman who said that someone had bought a new car from the dealership and had a problem with the new car, so they were using the car I like as a loaner because it is economical for gas.

They said I should expect for the car to be gone for this week at least.  (It takes FOREVER for cars to get fixed here.)  But then I learned I can't buy it anyway.  I am a little bit short of money and the only way I can buy a car here is to pay in cash.  I could get a loan for the remainder of the money I need if I had a paycheck AND three years of residency.  Since I have neither, I feel stuck.  I have no idea how I am going to afford a reliable car.  Jairo says now is the time to buy because in June the prices go up, but I can't imagine how I will come up with more money by June.  I am praying about it!

It's hot here.  Today we were all dreaming about going to the beach.  Jairo and Walter said that Honduras has the most beautiful beaches in all of Central America.  I have yet to see any of them.  I was supposed to go once in 2009, but then all of the stuff happened with the president getting taken out of power and the roads were closed, so I couldn't go.  Jairo said we will go soon.

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