Friday, July 26, 2013

Spreading Germs

In the middle of the night I woke up with a sore throat and this morning as I have been up getting ready for the Breakfast Program, I realize I have a stuffy nose and swollen glands.  I was sick 2 days last week with that stupid stomach bug.  (Hahaha  I just realized I was very hesitant to write "stupid" because in Honduras it is a VERY bad word that nobody ever says.)  I don't want to be sick again today!

First of all I can't stand having people think I'm weak.  I also worry they might  think I'm lazy.  The mentality here is that you go to work or keep going about your business unless you are so sick that you can't get out of bed.  Then you go to the hospital.  There is no thought of resting to recuperate faster and nobody stays home to avoid spreading germs.  They think I'm crazy if I tell people not to greet me with a hug and kiss when I'm sick.

Many people take antibiotics every time they don't feel well and they encourage me to, too.  That drives me nuts because I don't want to take antibiotics for a flu and it drives others nuts because they think if I don't take the antibiotics I am not trying to help myself get better.  The worst part is they take the antibiotics for a couple of days and then stop as soon as they feel better.  Everything we learn about antibiotics in North America is down the tubes here.

(As a side note, I have learned after watching MANY people take chicken bones home to their dogs that dogs do not choke or die from eating chicken bones.  Personally I will not choose to feed my dog chicken bones, but the only way I've seen a dog die so far is being hit by a car.  The dogs here eat a lot of chicken bones.)

The thing I worry about most is that I work with a bunch of pregnant ladies and little kids who receive their only nutrients once a day at the Breakfast Program.  The Breakfast Program is not a good place to go if you are germy.

I'll go for a few hours and give less hugs than normal and try to come home early.  We have a special prayer meeting at the church tonight at 5 so I was planning on staying down there all day and attending the time of prayer.  I know it will be really special.  We'll see how long I last.


Nena said...

Interesting thing about chicken bones: it's usually the cooked ones that splinter and can cause problems. Raw bones are a lot easier for dogs to break down and digest.

I hope you feel well soon!

Charlie said...

Opt for the fist bump when you're germy. That way, you're not stand offish, just cool.

Mary Lynn said...

Nena - The bones are cooked. Must be the dogs down here are extra tough or something.

Charlie - I gave fake kisses today. People would freak out if I tried to fist pump. :) A kiss is mandatory unless I want people to think I'm rude. I remember the first few times I was sick and tried to avoid the greeting kiss people thought I was nuts. Once they even tried to get me to hold a baby who just came home from the hospital THAT day. I did draw the line there.