Friday, August 9, 2013

My first surfing injuries

Yesterday we got a late start on surfing because Doug and Debbie are helping the lady who cleans their house to draw up plans for a house of her own.  Deyanira said her dream house is similar to one of their friends' so we walked through the friend's house, measuring and making small changes here and there.  Doug drafted it all out on paper.  Deyanira was excited to leave yesterday with a plan for the house that will go on a lot of land she has already purchased.

Then we stopped at the surf shop so I could get a rash guard (shirt) to go with the board shorts I found on sale the day before.  It wasn't the quick in-and-out thing Doug was wishing for.  Debbie needed some flip flops and a rash guard for her suit too.  But eventually we made it out of the store and onto the beach.

I told Doug I was feeling a little overwhelmed because, while I had learned a lot in my first lesson, there was still a lot more to know.  He took me out and told me which waves to choose and helped me get turned around on the board.

I didn't do nearly as well yesterday as I did Sunday.  The water was a lot rougher and it was more about fighting through the waves to find the right one.  But it was still fun and I managed to get up every time, even if it wasn't pretty.  Doug's board is a lot more tipsy than the board I used Sunday.  I'm not sure when or how it happened, but I broke my baby toe.  I also crashed into some rocks, but the bruises I got from that are not in places suitable for photos.

My broken baby toe

The funny thing is that last time I was in Costa Rica I broke my toe too.  But that was because I opened a closet door without moving my foot out of the way.  This is a much cooler injury.

Last night I didn't sleep well because we planned a 6:30 a.m. walk on the beach.  I kept thinking I would oversleep.  Plus my toe hurt when I moved.  But it is now 7:30 and all I see out there is a lone surfer.  I think I'll head out before it gets too hot.  Time is flying by!  Soon I will be heading back to Honduras.  I may as well squeeze in as many walks on the beach as I can.

1 comment:

Charlie said...

What, no cast?! A nice pink cast that everyone could sign would have been cool. Guess they would have had to write REALLY small, though. Hope it gets to feeling better soon - hurts to look at it.