Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Staying in Honduras for Christmas

Well, I have officially settled with the fact that I will not be going home for Christmas.  I expected my mother to be a lot more sad, but she was very understanding which helps a ton.  Now I just feel sad that I am not going to see my nephews.  I hate the fact that they are growing up without me in their life more consistently.  But at least now they are at the age where they remember who I am when I do get to go home.

Several things factored into the decision to stay.  I do want to experience Christmas in Honduras.  I live here all year long, so it seems fitting.  Also my cat has asthma.  Yesterday we went for her second vet visit.  She has been on a nebeulizer 5 times/day.  I am not home enough to give her the medicine correctly, so the doctor gave me pills and told me to keep medicine for the nebeulizer in case of emergencies.  With a sick cat I knew I couldn't go back to the US for very long and leave her with a sitter.  Also, I have some big bills coming up.  I need new tires for the car, my camera broke months ago, and my phone only works when it wants to, which lately is rarely.  So, taking all of that into account, it was best that I not go back to the US for Christmas.

I will have a good time here.  I can't go to Olancho with Jose and Karla's family because of Jetty, but my landlords family already have big plans for me so I will stay busy celebrating with them.  I was a little stressed out about gifts.  Normally I get people things they need from they US, and I already had things in mind for this year.  But yesterday I realized I can make a bunch of Christmas cookies give them to everyone as gifts.  So now I am collecting recipes and feeling more relaxed.

I took 10 days off from the gym - I've been staying super late at the church every night and also was waiting to see if I was going back to the US for Christmas.  They don't make me pay if I am in the US.  Yesterday, after deciding for sure I would stay in Honduras I went back to the gym and it felt great.

This week is the kids' last week of swimming until after the new year.  Then we have 4 weeks in January and it will be over.  I may miss the swimming program more than the kids do!  I don't love getting up so early, but I do love every second once I get out of bed.

For those of you with snow - enjoy!  And I will enjoy the sunshine and warmth for you.

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