Saturday, January 11, 2014

Lasagna in Los Pinos

Today is my Mom's birthday.  Happy Birthday Mom!  She said she had a nice meal with my brother and his family.  Then she and I talked on the phone for over an hour.  Mostly about nothing important.  We're good at that.  :)

I made lasagna this morning, then took it down to my friend Ana's house.  Along the way I stopped and picked up stuff for a salad and diapers for Isabella, Ana's one year old daughter.  Later Ana told me she was praying for diapers for her daughter.

The first thing Samuel said to me was that his kitten died.  He seemed okay about it.  We spent part of the morning and most of the afternoon just chatting.  Ana knows how to do special decorations with fingernail polish so I now have flowers on my toes.  We are planning a "salon day", which really means a day to put all of our nail polishes together and do each other's nails.

I talked to Ana about the idea of her asking me for help when there is something she and her family need.  She disclosed to me some more details about her situation.  Afterward I felt even more compelled to help.  I told her that I have been praying about it since Tuesday and I feel God is speaking clearly to me.

I know Ana is a person who would never take advantage of me.  I told her there could be times I have to say no because I have limited resources.  She said she understands that.  I told her I want to help in any way I can.  I don't want to have to think of Ana and her family going without food or other basic necessities.

Ana is not a proud woman - in the negative sense of the word "proud".  She is a woman who has a lot of faith, which means she does not ask for human help.  She usually turns only to God.  She has told me many times, after the fact, that she really needed something (shoes, food, diapers, the dirt floor of her house covered in cement, bus fare to visit her family for Christmas), she prayed and God provided.  She never said a word to anyone.  I told Ana I do not want to devalue her faith and dependence on God.  If there is something that I can do to help, I would like to.  I have a plan for a few things that I can start doing for this family.  I feel good about the plan and believe it is a healthy decision for me, for Ana's family, and it is from God.

I explained to Ana about the idea that I want to serve them in a way that is best for them.  I told her maybe it was crazy for me to bring lasagna to her house.  Maybe I should give her that money or use that same money to buy basic supplies.  Ana's response was that she believes God chooses to bless people in many ways.  She said our afternoons together, our conversations, our friendship, my relationship with her kids, is as much a blessing as the food I bring.  That's how I feel too, but others might see it as a little ridiculous to spend money on lasagna when it would buy a lot of basic staples.

So, I hope Ana knows that she can turn to me as a friend.  I know I would turn to her if I need her help.

I have recently become more conscious of the fact that some relationships fill up your heart and make you feel closer to God.  Other relationships drain you and leave you feeling empty, or hurt, or unsure of yourself.  Being with Ana and her family fills me up.  Her friendship is a blessing to me.  She is the kind of person I want in my life.  I hope I can be the same to her.

After lasagna and a nice run at the gym I went to Mas x Menos to buy saldo for my phone so I could call my Mom and wish her a happy birthday.  I noticed earlier this week that their shelves were strangely bare.  Today everything was restocked with a ton of new items they have never carried before.  I told the cashier I felt like I was in the US!  They had Oikos, Fage, and Chobani yogurt.  I walked back and forth in front of the yogurt, taking it all in.  It was like heaven.  There was pancetta, 3 kinds of Manchego cheese, a bunch of new Tropicana juices, vegetable cheese spreads, a variety of Baked Lays chips...  I felt like I was at Whole Foods!  (Actually I strongly dislike Whole Foods, but do appreciate their selection.)  The prices resemble Whole Foods too.  I can't afford to buy any of this stuff.  It's just so nice to know it is there.

Please continue to pray for my Aunt Cathy as her bypass surgery will be Wednesday.  She could use prayer for the kind peace that only God can bring when you are facing a situation like this.  Six bypasses is tough to comprehend.  The kids at the Breakfast Program are praying for her, as are others from the church.  And of course my prayer team.  Please cover my Aunt Cathy in prayer.

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