Monday, March 17, 2014

Fires return

Forest fires are back.  The city is covered in smog when I drive down to the church each morning.  Yesterday the land down the road about a kilometer away was completely scorched.  There was another fire burning further down the mountain on the other side of the road.  It's not everywhere.  Yet.  But it's getting closer.

Right now all of my windows are closed, despite it being a beautiful evening.  There is a fire close by and the smoke is saturating the air.  It hurts to breathe.  I can't see the glow of the flames and I can't hear the sound of the fire crackling, thank God.  (I hate that sound.)  But the smell is powerful.

I'm glad I have already been through a fire season here.  I know it's going to get worse before it gets better.  I'm glad I was at the church last year when the fire burned right up to my house.  This year I know what to expect.  I know if the fire burns up to my house I'll be safe.  I know it can be scary.

My landlords work hard keeping the land clear.  They hire extra help and they work on a daily basis themselves.  They cut everything back and clean out everything that is dead.  Except trees because the trees here are protected.  Even the dead ones.  It is illegal to cut them down.  There are several dead trees near my house.  They died last year when the fire came.  The fire took their leaves and fruit, then smoldered in their roots for several days, which killed the trees slowly.  Luckily they are not close enough to be a danger to my house, I think.

I need to make sure not to leave any clothes drying on the line or windows open.  Last year I had to wash my whole wardrobe several times because all of my clothes smelled smoky when I left the windows open.  My sheets burned up when I left them on the clothes line.  Lesson learned.

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