Monday, April 14, 2014

Old men with canes make good watchmen

Today was my prep day.  Got everything ready to leave for Guatemala.  Read about kidnappings of North Americans in Guatemala and Nicaragua.  Semana Santa is always a dangerous time in Honduras too.  For that reason when I ran my errands today, I called my neighbors to tell them where I was going and when I would be back.

The streets were pretty empty - that is what makes it more dangerous.  The grocery store was also empty.

The gym was the only place that was crowded.  It is never usually that full.  The strange thing was that nobody was using the pool, although it was a beautiful day.  I guess people are getting in their last minute workouts before they wear their bikinis to the beach.

As I pulled up to the gym I was surprised to see the parking lot full.  A little old man who sometimes takes care of the cars for tips was sitting on the ledge where he usually perches.  Saturday when I went to the gym he was there too.  When I parked about five spots from the door he jumped up and ran over to my car.  As I was getting out he told me I should not park so far because it was getting late.  I didn't think there were anywhere closer.  He pointed to a spot right next to the door which I had not noticed.  I moved my car over to the door and thanked him with words and a tip.  He was waiting right outside the door as I left, apparently watching to see that everyone got safely to their cars.

Today I wasn't sure where to park, so I drove over to where he was sitting on the ledge.  I rolled down my window and asked where he thought was best.  He told me to park right in front of him.  I did and he watched me get out the car and walk into the gym from his ledge.  I soon realized I forgot my water so I went back to grab it from the opposite side of the car.  When I unlocked the car to open the passenger's door the alarm beeped once.  I then heard the sound of a metal cane tapping loudly on the sidewalk.  When the alarm sounded again as I shut the passenger's side door I heard the metal cane banging more loudly and quickly approaching from the other side of the car.  I realized my alarm had alerted the watchman.  As I headed back into the gym I turned around and told the man that it was just me, holding up the bottle of water.  He smiled, nodded and walked quietly back to his perch.

In the past I always thought he was too old to really be able to take care of the cars.  I trusted the other man who is a little younger to watch over my car.  I made assumptions about the older man that I shouldn't have made.  I never thought about the fact that from his vantage point, he can see almost everything.  I never thought the cane is actually a weapon and a tool for him.  Now I know that my car is in better hands with the older man, than it was with the other.  It's nice to know that those people who are working for tips, are actually looking out for me and for my car.  I am grateful for the man who looks over me and my car at the gym.

I spent the evening safe at home.  Tomorrow I will go to the airport with Walter.  Yes, I live in a dangerous place.  But there are many people here who are looking out for me.  Today I realized there are even more than I know.

Swimming with the adults yesterday was really nice.  They seemed happy to be there and eager to learn, just like the kids.  The coach explained to my neighbor about how well he and I work together with the last group.  We both commented on how naturally we came together as a team.  He said that I never undermined his authority and he never undermined mine, which was very true.  No power struggles.  No problems.  He said we both have the same approach and the same teaching style.  It was such a pleasure to teach with him.  We fell into place together so easily, I didn't fully appreciate it at the time.  I wish all teams could be as effective as the coach and I were.  I look forward to teaming up with him again with this group of swimmers.

My letter asking for financial support seems to be helping.  I have one response from someone who is praying about my finances.  Two more people wrote saying they will double their monthly support.  A third is adding to her monthly donation!  Another friend said she is "really going to go through with it this time" and become a contributor.  I am 1/5th of the way to my goal!

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