Wednesday, August 6, 2014


I am covered in speckles of olivey-grey paint.  And I am happy!

Yesterday my friend Fany and I had fun choosing paint for my new home.  Then we got started, Fany doing the detail work and me with the roller.  Today we finished the bedroom and most of the kitchen.  Tomorrow the (big!) closet and the bathroom.  Then the dining room and lastly the ceiling.  I am not looking forward to that.  It is individual tiles that don't quite connect.  We have to do it with a hand brush.  Thank God for Fany's help!  The colors look great.

Fany's mom told me there would be rolling black outs.  They were supposed to be this morning at 11 a.m. and at 6 p.m.  I left Fany's house at 6:38 pm but the electricity was on.  As I followed a caravan of cars up the mountain I suddenly realized that everything was black except for our line of headlights.  I thought about turning back to the city lights and finding something to eat down there.  But restaurants are not in my budget, nor is the gas to drive back down and up again.  So I kept going.  What could I eat that didn't need electricity to prepare?  Bread.  That was my only option.  Unless I called a neighbor with a gas stove.  Or if the little market had a generator.  Then I could buy milk and eat cereal.

I kept telling myself there were people in Honduras hungrier than I.  But I was pretty hungry.

The mercadito was closed.  Well, it was actually wide open with a car shining its headlights into the front door for light.  But it didn't seem like a great option.  So I kept going.

As I turned onto my dirt road I noticed the streetlights were on!  As I continued down the road I saw few houses with lights on too.  But I couldn't allow myself to get excited.  I opened the gate, pulled up the driveway and saw lights in my landlords' house.  Still, didn't get my hopes up.  And then I reached the moment of truth.  When I turned on the porch light to put the keys in the lock I held my breath.  There was light!

Who could have guessed?  Last night the weather was perfect and we had no electricity.  Sometimes it seems like we are the first people in the country to lose power.  I have never been so happy to cook pasta.  I made extra in case there is no power tomorrow.  I can eat it cold.

Classes are going great.  The kids can identify 27 body parts on the head and arm.  They are starting some conversational things too.  I am looking forward to the team from my church being able to talk to the kids in English when they come to visit.  That will be so cool!

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