Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Hey readers!  I forgot to tell you that this week we reached over 20,000 hits!  I never imagined that when I started this little thing to keep in touch with friends in the US while I visited Honduras in 2009.

At that time I never dreamed God would bring me back here to live.

Tomorrow I leave for the US.  My unexpected trip that came straight from God.  Today it was even more evident.  I got a message from my brother that he was at the Emergency Room with my Mom.  He said she had abdominal pain, possibly appendicitis.

If I did not have the tickets to leave tomorrow I might have been scrambling around today, trying to buy a ticket for tomorrow.  But God knew and He already gave me one.

I asked a lot of people for prayer.  People were praying all over Honduras.  In the end it seems that my Mom has some kind of virus.  Apparently a lot of people in Colorado have it.  The emergency room doctors told my brother they were full of people with the same symptoms since last weekend.  They did a bunch of tests and all of the results were good.  Now she is home resting with pain medicine.

I got everything finalized for the flight.  The car is going into the garage for a new clutch while I'm gone.  I am blessed with a good mechanic.

Today I met with almost all of the church leaders, officially or unofficially.  One called, one was behind me in line at the grocery store and I arranged a meeting with another.  They were all really good conversations.  We are not sure what the future holds, but we do know that we respect each other and want to serve God in the way we are called.  So we are all on the same page.  It is nice to be told by one church leader after another that I should do whatever I need to do in order to be happy.  They all have my best interest at heart.  And they all agree I belong here in Honduras.  I am glad they can see that.

Tomorrow at this time, I will be in a hotel in the US, settling in for my flight from Atlanta to Denver in the morning.  I am so happy with my life right now.  And even more excited for the future.

Tonight Saul, an older boy who is very special to me, called to say he missed me.  He just finished his classes and got a job!!!!  He starts on Monday.  It is 20 hours per week, but it is a job, which is amazing in a country with 48% unemployment.  I am so proud of him!  And honored that he bothered to call and tell me.  When I get back we are going out to dinner to celebrate his new job.  I have known Saul since 2009.  He is one of those boys who you feel honored to know and support, as best you can.  I expect he, too, will have a bright future.  Yay Saul!

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