Wednesday, January 14, 2015

I like being me!

Today I met with a girl who is going into La Kennedy and doing ministry all by herself.  Wow!  She happens to know a lot of the people I know.  I really liked her.  She reminded me of myself in some ways.  She has completely immersed herself in the culture.  She is even living with a Honduran family that she used to serve.  She seems completely at home here.  She has faced a lot of challenges, not in serving, but in the place where she served.  She is now in transition and looking for full time ministry.  I admire her strength and determination.

In the afternoon I met with my former landlord's daughter.  It was so nice!  We had a good conversation and got caught up.  It felt like old times when we used to walk up the dirt road in the mountains and talk.  But something was different this time.  Marcela is about to finish college and move on to the next stage of her life and I am finally content with where I am.  Being in transition isn't a bad thing.  I am happy and peaceful and content.  To quote my three ear old nephew, "I like being me!"  It was fun to have so many positive things to share with each other.

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