Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Tamalitos y cositas

Today's big news is:

I am going to start translating for a friend.  I figure translating is not going to take up much emotional energy and she is willing to schedule everything according to times that work well for me, so I can still get my morning quiet times in.  I like translating and she needs help, so it's a win-win.

A friend asked me to help her learn better English so I decided to have another conversational group on Sundays between my regular church service and the English church service.  I've only talked to two people but they know more people who want to come.  I'm thinking it will be a group of about six.  It should be fun!

Prayer group was good.  I have been watching the news, which is something I never did before because for some reason I couldn't understand what they were saying.  Now that I watch the news I understand better when we pray for things that are going on in Honduras and around the world.  The homicide rate in Honduras went down 20% in 2014!

I also learned in the news that a group of boys were arrested for blowing up a dog.  They tied these things that looked like firecrackers onto its sides.  I closed my eyes as they showed the explosion on tv.  (They show EVERYTHING on tv here from extremely explicit sexual things to bloody dead people.)  I saw them strap on the explosives, watched the kids light them and run away.  Then I covered my eyes and peeked through my fingers to see the smoke.  I shut my eyes again until the segment was over.  How horrible.  Today everyone is posting things on FB about being against animal cruelty.  So blowing up a dog in Honduras is cruel, but kicking or throwing stones at one is widely accepted. Things that make you go "Hmmm..."

My diet is doomed.  Fany came back from visiting her family out in the country and brought tamalitos, my favorite kind of tamale.  They are made with corn and no meat. Small and sweet so you can eat them for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks.  Delicious anytime.  Dangerous.

And finally, today I was called a "thing".  Actually it was "my little thing".  A friend who was trying to be flirtatious said, "Hola mi cosita."  I have heard people use that word to babies or toddlers and didn't like it then.  Ana doesn't allow her boys to call their baby sister "cosita" because she tells them that their sister is not a thing.  It's always said in baby talk, which makes it even more annoying. (co-she'-ta)

Oh, and nobody from my new church uses the word Gringa.  At least not in front of me.  I didn't even have to say anything.  They just don't say it!  I really appreciate that.

That is the latest news from Honduras.

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