Thursday, September 3, 2015

Speed racer

I learned today that I have one more interview process before I am official at the place where I would like to volunteer.  This week I am attending a workshop about psychology with them.  It's all been a review, but it is good to get my mind warmed up to social work stuff again and learn the terminology in Spanish. The guest speaker is from Argentina and speaks with a crazy accent, so it is a challenge to understand her Spanish.

I had the coolest experience today.  We always wait inside the office, even though it is located in a good neighborhood. Today a car pulls up, then backs onto the sidewalk so the passengers door is only steps away. The guard inside the office opens the office door and releases us to the security guard inside the car. The driver tells us to get into the car. He asks if everyone is in, looks around, then rolls up all of the dark tinted windows and takes off full speed like he's driving the POTUS! It was awesome. I never thought I could be impressed by stuff like that, but it feels so dangerous and important at the same time! I like it.

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