Friday, October 23, 2015


More questionnaires. Today I interviewed kids who really need our club. I referred two of the five I interviewed to our psychologists. One shows a lack of empathy. He is the only young person I've interviewed who answered "No" to the question, "I like to help others who are in need." He said he doesn't care if his friends feel sad. If he is sad or angry he has no adult in whom he can confide. He was also the only boy who answered, "No" to "I believe that things can change for the better."

I am sad for that boy. Lately I am thinking that I have too much empathy for my own good.

Another boy's answers were similar. I reached out and touched him on the shoulder as we talked. He flinched, then pulled his shirt away from his skin as if trying to rid himself of my touch.

I hope they stay in our program. Our therapists are good. They can learn a lot and maybe find an adult in whom they can confide.

I am amazed at the collection of books there at at this club. There is a huge bookcase of books in English. Books, especially in English, are hard to come by here. But the club in Nueva Suyapa has everything from the old faithfuls everyone studied in high school, to books about Michael Jordan. I couldn't stop thinking how awesome that book collection was.

My co-workers helped me practice reading the verses that are part of my message on Sunday. Reading out loud in Spanish is difficult for me. Often I am not sure which syllable to emphasize. Some words in the bible are not so common in every day language.  My co-workers loved my Spanish bible. I felt bad because I rarely use it. Bibles here are so expensive that many people don't have one of their own. I would love to be able to buy each of them one.

I notice there is a group of people in Russia who are logging in to read this blog together. Welcome! Thank you for reading! I would love to know how you found me.

Erika called me today. Finally. It has been so long. I left messages for her. Today she finally called. I look forward to talking with her tomorrow.

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