Sunday, October 4, 2015

See you at the polls!

At church today I received an incredible gift from the Holy Spirit. My heart was healed of a burden I have been carrying around for a long time. I didn't realize all of the ways this burden was effecting me. In just the few hours since church is over I see a huge difference in my self esteem and self worth.

The healing was about issues with my Dad. Many of us have these sorts of things. Almost all of us, I think. We do our best to get rid of them using the tools we carry in our tool belt. But some wounds only God can heal.

I tried to convince myself that it was no longer an issue. Yet for the last 20 years the same nightmares kept popping up over and over when my mind is supposed to be resting in sleep. I wake up and they weigh heavily on me throughout the day. Today I prayed that God would take away my nightmares too. I believe He will.

Since I got home I remembered an email I received from Honduran Fellowship of Missionaries and Ministries. They are an amazing group I joined about a year ago. Through them I met a ton of people and attend some great conferences and retreats. They help connect missionaries with other people and resources. They handle my residency in Honduras and give advice about how to get things done, whether it be filing taxes, travel, legal stuff, deals on hotels... You name it, they do it.

The email I received a few days ago said I was nominated to represent my region for the Honduran Fellowship. I immediately dismissed the email because my mind said that I was not capable and nobody would vote for me. I even went so far as to think that the email was probably a mistake.

After receiving healing today, I decided to check and see if the email was real. I couldn't imagine who would nominate me. Turns out, it was real. Someone else thought I am worthy and capable, even if I didn't.

After reading over the requirements with my new, improved self perception, I decided to accept the nomination. I may even look into ways to promote myself and ask for votes. That would have been tough yesterday, but I feel up to promoting myself today.

It will be a big responsibility. However, I am already doing some of the things that are required - sharing information with other members, praying for members in my region, promoting and attending events held by Honduran Fellowship. About the only additional thing I need to do is create and host events for my region. I could invite people to the events we already offer at my church. For example next Saturday we have a conference on Human Rights. Pastora Ruth would love to have a larger attendance, so it would be win-win! I can also invite people to the workshops at my new "job". Most of those are open to the public, although the public doesn't know it.

I'm liking this new me. I'll sleep well tonight and let you know how it goes at the polls.

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