Thursday, November 19, 2015

Celebrating Birthdays

I spoiled Fany's birthday surprise for me. She planned to take me out for sushi. She knows I haven't been since June and I miss it. It was a thoughtful idea.

But our friend Nidia had a birthday today. Nidia is a sushi lover too. She hasn't had sushi in a year. So Fisher (a missionary who serves with Nidia) and I took Nidia out for sushi tonight.

It was really nice. Nidia doesn't get to do things like that much. She is always busy taking care of others. We enjoyed the food and the company.

When I got home Fany told me I had spoiled her surprise. I would have told Fany that we should go again on Friday, but I do not want Fany spending her money on sushi.

Last night Fany brought me a crock pot. She got it as a wedding gift and never used it. I tried to pay her for it, but she said it was a gift. I told her it is my birthday gift. I love it! It's something I really wanted and couldn't find in Honduras. She really didn't even know what it was for. So it was a blessing to me, and didn't cost her any money. Perfect!

Now I have to convince Fany that it's perfect. I don't want her to spend money for my birthday. She is spending all she has on doctor's appointments for her fibromyalgia and on Laura's party tomorrow. It was supposed to be a small party, but somehow, half the world have invited themselves.

A week from tonight I'll go to bed with a tummy full of Thanksgiving dinner!  Yay!! I haven't gone home for Thanksgiving since I moved to Honduras. I'm really excited.

A sushi boat for three

Nidia, me, Fisher

Gosh I have pretty friends!

Jetty had to go to the vet today. When I took her for her regular anti-parasite shot, the doctor found an ear infection and something was going on with the skin on her nose. The doctor expected she would take a few months to heal. He was surprised to see how well she is doing in just two weeks. The spot on her nose, which has been like that for 6 years, is already getting better and her ears look fine.

The veterinary staff never cease to be amazed by Jetty's calm, friendly personality. She purred the whole time the doctor was examining her. She is a great example for people who aren't used to domesticated cats. Even vets here don't seem to handle many cats. There are plenty of cats here but nobody takes them to the vet. So Jetty is showing people what a cat can be like if you treat them well. I will miss her while I'm in the US.

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