Monday, November 16, 2015

WOP Retreat 2015

Sometimes I don't write because I have too much to say. Yesterday was one of those days.

During the Women of Purpose's Revive Retreat I had so much to share with you! I had each thing worded perfectly in my head, promising myself I would remember this moment to share with you.

Unfortunately, yesterday my mind was swarming with those memories. I couldn't sort them out. There were so many, I felt like my brain was flooded, but in a good way.

Today I can barely remember a thing. Back to reality.

Surely I will miss many important things that I swore I would remember three days ago. But here is an abbreviated version of the WOP retreat.

First, the WOP retreat is put on by a group of women who visit Honduras annually to revive female missionaries of Honduras. It was started by a woman who spent three years serving in Honduras and burned out. She returned to the US and still questions if it was the right choice. Could she have made it through the tough times if something like the WOP retreat existed when she was here? She is not looking back at the past. Instead, she is thinking of the future and trying to prevent other missionaries from feeling the same.

It is a weekend of pampering, fellowship with other missionaries from all over Honduras, quiet time. worship, introspection, and good food.

First, I was very happy to room with a bunch of 20 year olds. Only because they don't snore. Lately every time I go to a retreat I room with people my own age and am overcome by snoring. Nobody warns you - this is one of the hazards of getting older.

Then I slowly realized that within the past year, I have come to know a LOT of people! One year ago I went to the WOP retreat knowing only Carol. She and I met two weeks prior. But this year, I knew a ton of people. It was so cool to see them all again.

Consistently, they told me that I look so much better. My countenance has changed. It doesn't matter how they worded it, what they were saying is they can see I am happy now.

I remember a year ago I went home for Christmas. Everyone told me how different I looked. They said I looked happy. But I was really confused. Because at that time I didn't feel happy yet. I felt relieved. I felt hopeful. However, I was not happy. NOW I am happy. I am sooooo happy! I don't care if nobody can see it. I can feel it, and that is what matters.

I think for now I will end this post there. I am happy and the retreat was great!

Here are some photos:

Entering the retreat

Ready and waiting for all of the ladies
with smiles and hugs!
Special snacks
The little things...

My roommate

I caught her reflection in the mirror
She is valued

Bonfire and S'mores

Beautiful Place

We each got a blanket

All of the way from the US
just to worship with us in English

If it weren't for her, none of us would be there

He built houses by day
and cooked barbeque at night!

This was delicious!

I made this!
The theme of this year - 
Be still
Still here! 

I made this for Laura for her birthday

Stations on the last night
This was our
War Room for Honduras

Prayers across the world
The touch of Jesus

Our fears boxed up and turned over

Our fearless leader

My nightly prayer cluster

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