Saturday, December 12, 2015

An afternoon in SLC

Every time I come to the US, I always make a stop in Salt Lake. Most of my close friends are there. It's the place that feels like home to me. Each time I return I expect that this time I'll have been gone so long that no place in the US feels like home. Thankfully, Salt Lake always surprises me. It welcomes me back with its beautiful weather, gorgeous scenery and loving people.

In the past I have booked every second of my time in SLC full, making the rounds to visit all of my friends and supporters. But this time I did things differently. Instead of racing all over, I decided to spend one afternoon in a coffee shop and let people come to me.

It was a little bit intimidating to actually follow through with my brilliant idea. What if nobody came? Would people be too busy during the holidays to come see me? I had to let go of my ego, or lack thereof, and put it into God's hands.

The people came!

There were two people with whom I didn't get to share an in-depth conversation. But otherwise it worked out fine. And it made this trip SO much more relaxing.

I intended to get photos of everyone but was so busy catching up that I forgot. But I did get some great photos of the jazz quartet!

These lovely ladies came to see me!

3/4 of the quartet

Now that is talent

One side of the restaurant was much younger than I
But the jazz quartet drew a different crowd

Sleeping? Or concentrating on the music?

He was awake. And turns out he is a talented drummer!

Cloudy in the mountains, sunny in the valley.
I ♥ SLC!

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