Tuesday, March 1, 2016

No more whistling

Today Fany and I got up early today and went over to the community next door. I tried to get a bunch of errands done yesterday, driving all over the city. But in the end it was all for nothing. So I talked to Fany and we decided we could get everything done in the colonia next door.

We haven't been going there for about 3 weeks because things have been "hot". There were a few shootings in the daytime. But we figured if we went early it would be fine.

It was. I got all I needed. There was noticeably less traffic. I think others are avoiding the area.

After we got home I realized I forgot to buy tomatoes and onion. So I dropped of the pineapple and cheese in my house, then threw on a baseball hat because the sun was getting hot, and headed back out.

As I was leaving my community there was a group of men working on the power lines. One of them made loud kissing sounds as I walked by. The last time I was out alone a hug construction site stopped working and made cat calls while I stood there buying cheese. It was horrible. So this time I decided to do something.

I stopped, turned around, and looked straight at the man who was making the kissing sounds. I was wearing baggy sweats, a white tee, and a baseball cap. Nothing to call attention. Before I knew what was coming out of my mouth, I called across the parking lot to him.

Really strongly I said, "Do you have a sister?"

Softly he answered, "Yes."

"A mother?"

He nodded.

"Do you want men to do this to them?"

He just looked at me. I could see that he was thinking about what I was saying.

"It's ugly," I said.

He nodded in agreement.

I turned around and continued on my way feeling satisfied that I had been heard. On my way back home nobody made any noises as I walked by.

When I told Fany what I did she said, "I bet he will never do that again." I hope not!

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