Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Graduation of Familia Fuerte

Be sure to check out the post I wrote earlier today. It got long and I forgot to share these photos from yesterday.

We finished the Familia Fuerte program for 15 of the families. There are still many more to go, but like group therapy for the kids, we only do a few at a time.

Each of these bags are full of food
for a graduate of Familia Fuerte

My coworkers - the psychologist taught the mothers while mentors led the kids class
 In the second hour of the class the kids joined their parents and worked on group projects.

Discussing the difficulties their children face today
and how to protect kids from these dangers

Learning how to discipline in love, and set limits for their kids

A guest speaker shared with the parents about his upbringing,
and how he found a new life through Christ.

I missed the end where they handed out diplomas and the bags of food. Security came to take me home, so I had to leave. It was disappointing after spending weeks watching the parents learn and grow with their families. But now I will be able to do home visits and follow up each month to see how the parents are doing with their new parenting skills.

I have also spoken here a little bit about the independent commission which was formed to investigate high ranking police officers.  Recently the threats against the members of the commission and their loved ones are becoming more aggressive. Sunday one person's family members were followed until they finally made it to a police station. Last night a threatening note was slipped under the door of another person. In only 40 days, the commission charged and removed 68 of the 164 top police officers. Things are changing in Honduras because of these brave people.

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