Saturday, May 28, 2016

Thank you!

I want to take a moment to shout out to my financial sponsors. I think many readers are also supporting me financially, so this is a good place to do it.

For the first time, in 2016, I am staying afloat financially. Thank you. It is because of your generosity and your faith in me that I am able to serve the people of Honduras. I hope you know, I never take that blessing for granted. I know it is God's will, but I also know that it takes the support of many humans who are listening to His calling in order for me to be here. So thank you!!!

I realize that lately I have been asking for more help financially. Please know that what you are already doing is great! I appreciate you!

I am praying about the idea of going to a reunion for anyone who ever graduated from my high school. If I can get a cheap enough flight, I think it would be a wise move. There will be a large and untapped audience there who may be able to help out with my car and finances for the future.

But the point of this post is to tell you that I am sitting here, at my desk in Honduras, thinking of you and thanking God for your faithfulness, love and support. Thanks you!!!

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