Monday, August 22, 2016

NY Trip Part 2

I'm so concerned I am going to leave out someone, or something important! The trip to NY was a great experience outside of the numerous blunders by American Airlines. I want to remember them all.

Kim and I had eaten pizza. We drove past my old house, which I didn't even recognize because all of the trees were cut down. I made her drive by three times. Then we took a little tour of all of our old stomping grounds. I was amazed by how green everything was, although Northern NY is currently in a drought. The last time I was there, everything felt so depressed. Although now I wonder if maybe it was me.

This time the lawns were all well kept. Houses seemed freshly painted. Everyone was driving new cars. It even SMELLED SO GOOD! I couldn't stop smelling the air. A few people thought I was nuts, I'm sure. But they have never smelled the air in Honduras. It can get a little rank here. I don't remember it ever smelling so good in Colorado or Chicago or Salt Lake, but Northern NY smelled delicious.

On my second full day I attended the first part of the reunion and got to see my friend Kelly. I think I might have freaked her out. She looked so beautiful! Who do you know that is even more beautiful in their late 40's than as a teen? Nobody except my friend Kelly. It was absolutely crazy. I kept telling her how incredible she looked over and over.

The next day was the reunion. I got to see former neighbors and friends from high school. I got to talk to people I would have never dared speak to when I was younger and you know what? They are just regular people. I got to reminisce with high school cohorts about our crazy antics.

My friend Andrea drove up and spent the whole day with me. That was pretty special. She has been fighting depression for years now. But she managed to get herself out of the house and enjoy the weekend. I was proud of her and happy to get the opportunity to see her. We stayed out late and enjoyed ourselves just like we did as teens.

I didn't get to do the fundraising I planned. At the time it felt like I was really failing in my whole purpose of being there, but looking back I am glad I got to focus on spending quality time with people rather than asking for money.

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