Monday, January 9, 2017

Cold Front

I am getting more and more in tune with the weather patterns of Honduras. Yesterday a gusty wind blew in. I thought to myself, that doesn't sound like any old wind. That sounds like a cold front. I bet it will rain soon and stick around for a few days.

I was right. It got super cold. This morning was the coldest temperature I've ever experienced down here in the city. It must be freezing in the mountains! The wind is still gusting. Fany says her family in Guatemala are getting the same weather, only it's even colder.

My boss called to see how I'm doing. She talked to me about the bicycle race that our organization puts on each year. It's called "Coast to Coast" because they race from the North Shore of Honduras all of the way to the South Shore. It was created by my coworkers to bring awareness to problems within the educational system. They stop along the way to visit schools and give talks. Now hundreds of people come from all over the world to ride in the race.

My boss's husband is participating. She said the roads have 4 foot "wells" of water from the storm that is passing through. They expect the winds to remain gusty with heavy rains throughout the week. Not ideal for eight days of cycling.

On Friday night one of my coworkers died. I am hearing conflicting numbers regarding her age, but she was only a little older than me. She had a heart attack and left behind two young kids and her husband.

In Honduras when someone dies they hold a "valorio" (wake) immediately. It's usually open casket in the person's home. In this case she died at 11 p.m. They held the wake all day Saturday. Usually they would be buried the same day, but she was buried Sunday morning.

My coworkers stayed with the family for for almost 48 hours straight. We do the same if a family member of one of the kids in our clubs dies. We have a psychologist and the leader of the club stay with the family from the moment we are informed until after the person is buried.

Saturday the cleaning lady did come to my house. In fact she stayed all day. She brought me coffee from the factory where her husband works as a roaster. I don't have a coffee pot, and I can smell the bag of coffee from the kitchen into my bedroom. It's like torture! Hahaha!! She said next week she is going to bring a little strainer thing that Honduran people use to make individual cups of coffee. You just pour boiling water through it and wa-la! One day I may get fancy and buy a coffee press - once I can get out of bed.

Speaking of getting out of bed, I noticed Saturday evening that the pain in my ankle is no longer that burning, stabbing pain. It still hurts, but not as sharply. Saturday night I slept through the night for the first time in two weeks. Hurray! Yesterday I continued to feel good. I dumped a bag of beans into the crockpot, with chicken stock and some carrots that were already diced in my fridge for salads. Then added an onion and garlic. It was only a few minutes of standing and I got to smell the soup cooking all day. Last night Fany helped me add some turkey sausage. Now I have soup for a week!

(Stopped writing to take a shower)

I just fell down for the second time in the shower. At least this time I was showering. Last time I didn't even mean to go near the shower, I just kind of tipped over and fell in. I figure if I get all of my shower falls out of my system now, I won't have to worry about breaking a hip when I'm old. The bad news is, my ankle has a new tingly feeling it didn't have before. The good news is the cast is dry.

Fany learned yesterday that her husband's cousin is dying. The cousin is the one person in the world her husband, Santos, always counted on. The family has always joked that Santos and his cousin are much more like siblings that his true siblings. She went to a public hospital last week and learned that her body is full of cancer. Fany saw her last Tuesday. Between last Tuesday and Sunday she went downhill fast. This will be the first death that Laura will experience in her family. At five, she is beginning to understand about death.

I had a great first Spanish lesson Friday. But I haven't been able to pay for more classes. They have a PayPal link but my PayPal account is all messed up because I didn't set it up right. I've called and emailed the office for Spanish classes but they still haven't gotten back to me. It's odd. When I took lessons with them five years ago they responded immediately and always answered the phone. I hope to get the lessons set up soon. If not, I may have to pay a little more and go through a different program. The funny thing is, they have the same teachers, so I'll get the same class. It just costs more money.

No need to worry about me getting out of bed today. It's too cold! I'm very content staying cuddled up in bed with a good book, listening to the wind howl outside. Jetty agrees.

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