Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Well, I'm off to the doctor. I'm nervous. I want him to tell me that I'm being a wimp and I should be out walking around and climbing mountains again. But I wake up with pain and go to sleep with pain and it hurts to walk now, so I figured I better go back. It's been 8 weeks since my original injury.

Yesterday a friend of my mechanic's called. He sells cars and has been looking for a good car for me since last Easter. He said he's got a 2011 he wants me to see. I'll stop on the way home from the doctor. You may find it hard to believe that he's been looking for almost a year and this is the first car he's found worth looking at, but that's how it was when we searched for the car I now own. In fact we looked for more than a year. Patience is the key when buying a used car in Honduras.

Molly is dropping off the rest of Ana's school supplies today. Now all they need is uniforms. Depending what the doctor says, I may be able to buy them this week. Molly has an extra pair of uniform pants for David, so David will now have two pairs of pants. Hurray!

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