Saturday, April 15, 2017

What to do?

Ugh! I'm feeling "inutil" today. Ana isn't answering her phone. Neither she nor Jired can make outgoing calls because they ran out of minutes. Ana's Mom was supposed to arrive this morning, but the day is passing and she is still not here. I can't send minutes to Jired's phone because he is with a different phone company and Ana's phone just eats up the minutes I send to her.

Yesterday as we shopped for things for Ana (public hospitals don't even provide water) I asked Jired if they needed anything at home. He said they are out of deodorant. Isabela was getting tired so I agreed to drop them off and then go to Pricemart (Costco), where I can buy four big sticks of deodorant for the price of two. It was closed yesterday so I went this morning. They didn't have the Old Spice the boys like. (I think that's funny because in my mind Old Spice is for older men.) I had to get Degree. They won't complain, but I know they prefer the Old Spice so I was disappointed

My ankle is hurts a lot today. It's all swollen up again. I think it's a mixture of Chikungunya and the little driving I did yesterday/this morning. Pushing in the clutch is painful. But my other ankle, my knees, elbows and neck hurt too. That is all typical of Chikungunya.

I can't imagine how Ana feels, leaving her kids alone, not knowing where her mother is, and not able to contact anyone! I can't visit her because Jired has to go today and only one person can go at a time. She said she is grateful for my help, but I don't feel like I am helping.

Ana explained to me why Carlos' Mom thought that Carlos should just go with Impacto Juvenil. She meant physically - that Impacto Juvenil take him away and put him in a home. We did that for Carlos' cousin who has always had tremendous behavioral problems. He went to live outside of the city about a year ago and is doing really well now. He's well nourished, getting an education, and his behavior has improved a ton. So they want to send Carlos there. Now it all makes sense.

I worry that if Carlos goes to the same place, his cousin will have a set-back and neither of them will do well if they are together. I am going to strongly suggest to our psychologist that they locate another facility for Carlos. But I am so sad. I have been praying for this little boy for so many years. When I left the church his future seemed hopeful for the first time. Now it seems like he is a mess and unable to be safe or successful if he stays with his family. I feel sad for his Mom. She has to be feeling much more "inutil" and overwhelmed than I am.

All I can do is pray.

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