Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dia de la Biblia

I could not sleep last night so when Lourdes called this morning to give me a heads up that we are going to church early and asked how I'm doing, the words "I'm tired," slipped out before I could catch myself.  She spends days and days at a time with no sleep.  Trouble sleeping is one of the symptoms of fibromyalgia and it hits her hard.  I felt bad complaining about one night of poor rest to Lourdes.

I decided to wash my hair before church.  There was a huge pitcher of bottled water I had set aside for that purpose.  It was full of ants this morning.  As far as I know, ants won't damage hair and I didn't have time to be picky so I started to wash with the ant water.  Then I spilled the whole pitcher on the floor.  Almost a full gallon of water wasted and no time to clean it up before church.

Church was fun.  The kids got up and sang their song.  There were about 40 representing the Breakfast Program.  Not a bad turnout.  They sang really well and sat quietly before and after.  I was proud of them.  Lorenzo sat behind me so I had a hand petting my arm for much of the service.  Sweet Lorenzo.  I think having my arm petted by anyone else would be annoying.

The owner of the house in the mountains was at church.  I spoke with her quite a bit.  She said that she wants to be sure I understand I am responsible for my cat.  She worries her dogs might attack Jetty if Jett gets outside.  I told her I don't think it will be a problem (Jett can handle her business).  I will keep Jett inside and be responsible if she does get out.  I am more worried about how Jett will get up the spiral staircase.  I really don't know if she can do it!  We'll see.  It's a tiny house, but so cute.  I think I will like it there.  I am really happy get out of the city.

We talked about the price of rent.  It is more than I hoped, but when I told Jairo the price he said the owner is giving me a REALLY good deal.  He said the rent much cheaper than he expected.  That made me feel better.  The owner also asked me why I am in Honduras.  When I told her I believe I was called by God to be here she didn't ask me to elaborate.  She said that was all she needed to know.  She said she wants the house to have peace and love inside.  That short answer was enough to make her feel comfortable with me living there.

I like the fact that she is very up front.  I told her I will need to give my current landlord notice that I am moving out, so as soon as she has an idea about when the house will be ready please let me know.  She said she thinks the house will be ready at the end of October, but she will know more at the end of this week.  That was a big surprise!  I have to get a fridge and several other things before I can really live there.  Last I knew she was hoping to be done by Christmas, so I was not expecting this.  She said she will let me use her gas stove.  Hurray!  One less expense for me to cover and I love gas stoves.  I am getting excited about living up in the mountains.

I might miss this house.  It has been such a nice home for me.  I have loved this house since the moment I walked in.  The one in the mountains is much different.  I hope I am as happy there.  Since it is so close to the rain forest and significantly colder, drying laundry will be even harder than it is here.  I will be so happy when I get my dryer in the shipment from the US in March or April!

After church Jose and Karla took me to look for the swing set.  I did as Lourdes asked, taking pictures of the swing sets I thought would be good.  Next thing I knew I was in trouble with security!  Apparently you can't take photos of swing sets inside stores in Honduras.  I explained what I was doing - that people from the US want to send money to buy the swing set for my church.  They all consulted with each other and allowed me to finish taking photos as long as I was accompanied by the manager.  I was glad Karla and Jose were there because it was a little scary.

Tonight a friend from SLC was chatting with me on FB.  She has had a difficult time understanding why I would want to move to Honduras, but I think she understands better now.  I was talking to her about all of the moving costs I am worried about.  She asked for the link where she can donate.  A few minutes later she came back on line and said that she made a donation which she hopes will help toward a refrigerator   I am so grateful!  Thank you Jessica Turco  :)  Hopefully I won't grind my teeth as much tonight.  That was a super sweet surprise.

I am nervous about moving to a more expensive place when I am barely making ends meet now.  But Lourdes and Jairo are talking me through it and helping me to live more in faith.  I came here 6 months ago as a step of faith.  I was FAR from being funded.  As of this moment everything has fallen into place beautifully.  It hasn't been easy, but it has all been good.  It feels to all of us that this move the the mountains is the right thing.  If God wants me there, He will provide.

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