Friday, December 7, 2012

Going off the Grid

Right now I am waiting at the church for everyone to be ready to go to the store.  I need a shower rod.  That is the last of my necessities until I have money to buy things like a dresser and warmer clothes.

I remember when I was about 22 years old I signed my first lease for an apartment.  I was so scared!  In reality, I was making a lot of money as a waitress in a sports bar.  But back then I had never been responsible for my bills all by myself.  I signed the lease in the morning, bought my own bed, and went to work that afternoon to learn that someone (not I!) had been stealing money.  They fired everyone, including me.

I was devastated.  I had rent to pay.  All I had was my cat and my clothes and a new bed I had paid for on a credit card.  I didn't know anyone very well in Chicago.  I had only lived there a few months.  I called home, crying.  My parents asked how much money I had.  I think I had $5.  They asked if I had any food in the house.  "No, "  I sobbed, " And even if I did I don't have any silverware to eat it with!"  It was quite a pitiful scene.

My family ended up helping me out.  I can always count on them.  Later my mom asked if I had eaten.  I told her not yet.  She asked why.  I told her I needed to buy a shower curtain with my last five dollars.  She was in shock.  She thought that was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard.  I tried to explain that it was hot outside and I had carried everything I owned four blocks and up two flights of stairs all by myself.  I was hot and sweaty and I didn't want food, I wanted a cold shower.  She still gives me a hard time about choosing a shower curtain over food.

Tomorrow I will move into my new house.  It will have a shower curtain and beautiful scenery.  But it will not have electricity.  So after tonight I am going off the grid for a while.  The electric company has been saying for two weeks that they will turn on the power, but so far no luck.  However, Jairo still wants me to move tomorrow and get settled into my new house this weekend.  I will finish packing tonight and stock up on candles.  I'm sure, like my biological family, Lourdes and Jairo will not let me starve.

I am excited to put everything in it's place and sit and relax on the balcony!  Tonight after we buy the shower rod I will finish packing, clean the house, and prepare to start moving out in the morning.  If you don't see any posts from me for a while know that I am doing fine.  I'm relaxing in the mountains by candle light for a while :)

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