Thursday, December 6, 2012

God is listening

My Mom said I sound a lot better when I called her tonight, so must be I really am on the mend.

Today we served  about 79 kids at the Breakfast Program.  Since most of them are out of school now we don't have to rush to get them fed before they have to leave, which is nice!  They get more time to play and enjoy themselves.

Lately the little kids are really into Legos.  The preschoolers LOVE riding plastic Hotwheels sort of things.  They wait in long lines to take turns.  I have been impressed at how much their gross motor skills have improved as I watch them on the "bici" (pronounced bee-see).  Even the youngest kids can ride on their own now that we have insisted that the older siblings stay out of the way.

In this community the older siblings are frequently parentified.  Sometimes the younger kids don't know what do to do when the older siblings are gone.  This makes their time in the preschool difficult.   Some have screamed for weeks, wanting to be with their older siblings.  On the other hand, I have noticed that sometimes the older siblings get in the way when they are trying to be helpful.  They do things FOR the younger brother or sister.  In this case, the younger one never gets a chance to learn - whether it be drawing a circle or riding a bike.  We have clamped down on having the older siblings around and it has been great to watch the young ones grow!  The older ones figure it out and are able to cheer on their siblings, rather than do for them.

After all of the kids left I ate a sandwich I brought from home.  Then Jairo announced we were going out to lunch.  Sometimes he will bring food in, but this was a first so I went even though I had already eaten.  We went to a baleada restaurant.  Baleadas are one of my favorite Honduran specialties.  Most people don't make baleadas at home because it takes a special tortilla that most people can't make.  Jairo told me that Lourdes has tried and tried, but they never turn out right.  A baleada is a soft, chewy, doughy tortilla.  Fillings for baleadas vary a lot, but are most often beans or beans and cheese, or beans, cheese and eggs, or beans cheese and sausage.  The place where we went today had a whole page full of different baleadas.  I got beans, cheese and eggs for 21 Lempiras (about a US dollar).  It was the size of a calzone and so yummy!  It's now bedtime and I am still full.

After baleadas we wandered into a used clothing store.  Jairo got a cool waterproof shell.  In the states I bet it would have cost over $100.  He paid $5.50.  I bought an Ann Taylor blouse, which is exactly what I need.  I have nothing long sleeved that looks nice.  It was the equivalent of $6!  I was so happy with my bargain shopping!

Afterward Lourdes said we were going shopping for me at a mall.  I asked what we were buying.  She said curtains.  HA HA HA!  I am telling you, this woman is a curtain fanatic!  But it is great for me, because now when I spend my first night in my new house in the mountains I will be able to sleep past 5:30 a.m. without the sun waking me up.  We shopped for curtains until I had a headache and Lourdes could barely walk.  Turns out Jairo is a very good curtain shopper.  While Lourdes and I got frustrated over matching lengths and colors, Jairo ended up picking out exactly what I liked.  Lourdes had some creative ideas to help make the room more dark without paying for "black out" curtains.

I have no living room furniture, no table for my tv, no dressers or drawers for bathroom items, but I HAVE CURTAINS.  I have kitchen curtains, living room curtains and bedroom curtains, a shower curtain and a bathmat.  I love them!  They are very nice.  As I got ready to pay Jairo separated them from some other things he was purchasing and said, "The church is paying for these."  I was so surprised!  It was a lot of curtains.  After we left the store he asked, "Are you happy?"  I said yes, I am very happy.  I am excited to move into my new house and hang up my curtains.  (Jairo seems to be checking in with me more since I talked with him a few weeks ago about all of the things that were bothering me.  I appreciate that very much.)

I got Christmas lights to hang off the balcony.  At 50 cents I figured they were a steal and I need to have something Christmas-y in my new place.  I am excited to be all settled in there.  I hope Jetty adjusts well.  I think she will.  She doesn't get easily flustered.

Well, I have to pack and clean the house in hopes that the electricity will be turned on in my new house tomorrow so I can move Saturday.  Just wanted you to know that in general, I am feeling better.  Still have moments of self doubt or interpreting something the wrong way.  But I am able to recognize those moments more quickly and easily now.  I would say I am doing well at my goal of increasing my joy and appreciation.  I am praying a lot for myself and for the situations that are hurting me.  I can tell that God is listening.

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