Wednesday, December 5, 2012

On the mend

Today was a better day.  I got a bunch of laundry done before Lourdes and Walter came to pick me up.  That was important because once I move to the mountains my clothes will probably smell musty a lot.  I will live just outside of a rain forest and it is cold this time of year.  That makes it hard to get clothes, especially bedding and towels, dry.  I want everything to be fresh and clean to start with when I move.

Eunice had me write all of the Christmas cards from the Iglesia en Transformación for people in the US.  That was fun.  I never imagined I'd be writing the Christmas card from Honduras to my church in the US, but here I am!

Jairo told me that he and his family stopped and saw my new house last night.  He said it is incredible!  Joss said the way they did the lighting is really cool and they even made a path of plants for me.  I love plants!  The only thing left to do is for electricians from the city to turn on the electricity.  Then my new house will be ready for me to move in.

My new landlord called today to say she would send me the rental agreement.  She seems very excited about me moving in.  Lourdes has already counted all of the windows.  I remember when I was here in 2009  Lourdes was concerned about Walter's house having curtains.  Now she is thinking about my house having curtains.  It is so nice of her to care about these things.  I feel special that Lourdes is thinking about my curtains.  I haven't felt special in too long.

When we first discussed the idea of me moving, I told Jairo that I love the house, but for some reason I couldn't imagine myself there.  Jairo said when he visited last night he saw what a beautiful house it is, but he also took the time to see if he could imagine me there.  He was so excited.  He said he can see me sitting on the balcony.  I told him yes, I would like a hammock for the balcony.  He said he sees me in a chair with my feet kicked up, reading, writing, looking at the amazing view over the mountains,  listening to the birds and watching the squirrels run by.  He said he can see me walking on the paths through the woods.  I trust his opinion.  All of those things are things I will enjoy.

Lourdes is going to let me borrow a table for my tv, so now I'll have a tv, a tv stand, a bed, and maybe a kitchen table if it fits in the living room.  Yes.  The living room.  I have no living room furniture, so we are hoping that somehow we can fit the dining room table into the living room.  I am hoping to find a cheap nightstand soon and a shower curtain even sooner.

I have loved living in the city but at this point I am ready for a new start.  For the past few weeks I have been struggling.  Yesterday and today I finally feel like maybe I am finding happiness again.  Since I opened up to them about the way I was feeling,  Lourdes and Jairo are working hard at supporting me in every way they can.

I've started packing.  I am looking forward to being settled in the new home in the mountains.  Jairo talked to me about the fact that I will have to be patient and prioritize my needs in the new place, but it will all be worth it.  He seems to be as excited as I am.  Jairo says the mountains are his refuge.

The plan is for me to move in on Saturday as long as the electricity is hooked up.  Tomorrow Jairo will look for a car for me.  Signing a lease and maybe buying a car - all in one week.  It's a lot to take on all at once, but I am up for it!

Today I brought all of the makings for the adults' lunch at the church.  We waited until all of the kids were gone and everyone could sit and relax.  Then Marlin helped me make lunch for her family, the Sarmientos, Don Juan, Walter Z., and Eunice.  Even though Marlin did the cooking everyone told me how good it was and that they really liked my cooking.  I appreciated that they acknowledged my efforts, even though it was more Marlin's work.  I know everyone has seen me struggling to fit in with the other women in the kitchen.  Cooking is so different here.  I still have a lot to learn.  I thanked Marlin for her help and made sure I cleaned up all of the mess.  There were leftovers for Marlin to take home.  I happily accepted the praise even though it wasn't fully due to me because honestly, I needed it.

It is amazing how much the kids have helped me through this time.  Their hugs every morning fill me.  Their smiles heal my pain.  Their joy brings me joy.  Thank God for the kids of the Breakfast Program!  I think I am on the mend.

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