Friday, February 15, 2013

Little Update

Today I did something I have never done before.  I was riding home with Erik and Gerald.  They decided it would be best to stop and get a new tire.  I have never seen a tire like the one that was on Walter's truck.  It had lots of metal threads showing and no tread.

The llanteria (tire shop) was 3 doors from Mas x Menos.  I love the mantequilla there.  Mantequilla is a Honduran condiment.  It is in the dairy category, somewhere between sour cream and yogurt, but with no sourness.  I use it on everything.

I asked Erik if there was time for me to run 3 doors down and get mantequilla.  He said sure, you can go.  But you know everything is so expensive there.  I told him that's why I'm only getting mantequilla, nothing more.  I'll admit.  I was unsure about going by myself.  Erik asked if I needed help.  No, I didn't need help.  But I have never walked down the street in the city by myself before.  So I was very alert.  I brought only enough money for the mantequilla.  Nothing more.  The only eventful thing that happened was I got whistled at as I walked back to the truck.  Erik commented that I was very quick.  That's because I hurried the whole time.  I'm sure it was fine for me to walk that far alone, but I just never have.

I forgot to write about a conversation I had with Jairo yesterday.  He told me that the summer has come in strong.  I told him about our saying in the US, "In like a lion, out like a lamb."  He said when summer comes in strong it means that the summer is going to be very hot and dry.  This is especially bad because there is a horrible lack of water in the mountains.  The city gets all of it's water from the mountains near my house.  Jairo said the city took more than they were supposed to and now there is barely any water left for us.  Jairo said the water doesn't normally get this low until April.  This is only February!  The rainy season doesn't start until June.  He has never seen this happen before.  But he has experienced times when they only release water in the mountains every five days.  It could be even worse than that!  I hope we get some rain soon.  It rained all of December and most of January, but then it stopped.  It's been hot and dry ever since.  Normally it rains at night.  We haven't had a drop of rain in weeks.  If we only get water every 5 days I may get pretty stinky!

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